Debunking the Myth: Spider Man vs Fantastic Four – A Misguided Debate

And my other cousin says he believes
that Spider Man could solo all of Fantastic Four
at the same time. How many drinks he had at this point?
One thing that I always loved about Spider Man
is his fandom used to be very reasonable,
but it seems like that’s disappeared recently.
Like, Spider Man wasn’t a character.
That was in the debate of people scaling them too high three years ago,
four years ago. But now it’s out of hand.
I mean, we’ve been dealing with the ridiculous debate
between Spider Man and Homelander.
This is one of the craziest debates I’ve seen.
I just had to stop talking about it for a while.
Now here we are
with people thinking that Spider Man could solo the Fantastic four,
which is another ridiculous take.
I’m not even too sure on what Spider Man’s gonna do to the Human Torch
besides get his drawers burnt off.
The Human Torch doesn’t even technically have to engage him.
He can just fly 100 feet in the air and shoot flames at him.
What is webbing gonna do if it hits him?
Melt. But all that doesn’t matter
because the Invisible Woman can no diff Spider Man.
She could literally just put a force field in his body and expand it.
Spider Man gets stabbed. Spider Man gets shot.
One of her force fields
was strong enough to hold off a celestial being.
Much stronger than a bullet or a knife.
Or she
Could put a force field around Spider Man and collapse it on him.
What is he gonna do?
There’s no scenario that he could beat all four of them by himself.
Stop it! Stop with the overrating