Soulful Revelations: Embracing Curiosity, Self-Care, and Passion for a Transformative Journey

Okay, I’ve got three decks here. I am going to pull a card or two from each and then piece together the message. The first deck is sacred well of the soul or of a guard?

What’s the message? Pearl’s mystery live with curiosity and openness to reveal hidden pearls, wisdom. And the one on the bottom says, Mermaids Embrace, practice gentle, soothing self care to heal and nurture your spirit. Okay, that’s the two cards.

For the first one. The next deck is the Sacred Soul Portals. And watch your message from this one. Just knock. If the way seems closed, ask friends or influencers to open the door and let you in. And on the bottom is ascending. You are making a leap in consciousness. Now let go of anything holding you back. Okay? And from the third, the Divine Compass Clarity cards.

Well, with this one, 2 came out rough road. Prepare carefully before you continue for it’s a long journey ahead. Take precautions and heart’s desire. Sing along to your heart’s song for it knows what you truly want.

True intentions. And the one on the bottom says, rising flames. Let your passion guide you to the fulfilling purpose meant for you. Ignite your soul. So this is about being curious and living outside your experience, not letting the past dictate your future. Being able to dream your way, imagine your way to a new life. There’s so much depth and wisdom within you. You hold so much knowledge. It’s, the well is deep. Be gentle with yourself. Learn to care for yourself and to nurture your strengths and soothe and forgive your weaknesses. And learn how to ask for what you want.

Just knock on the door. You don’t have to bang on it. You don’t gotta kick it, you don’t gotta scream through it. Just not gonna ask him. Hey man, you wanna open the store? Because you’re going places leveling up. Consciousness leaps like jumping in your little modern day Tardis and mentally traveling to new heights, new spaces, new experiences, new timelines, new worlds. It’s not always going to be easy. That’s why it’s important to care for yourself, take precautions, pay attention, but follow your heart. Listen to the music of your soul. It will guide you to your truth. And let your passion guide you. Have a purpose and it’s meant to ignite your soul. Has set your whole life on fire in such a spiritual, evolutionary way. Your spirit team is in a way, living vicariously through you as they guide you on this journey. You have so much potential. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t disempower yourself. Don’t make yourself small. Don’t hide yourself or censor yourself and follow your heart wherever that leads you. Follow your creative passions and inspirations because you’re truly meant to do things. Just map among a naval level. Just knock, I love you. And there’s your message.