Transitioning from Bedroom Chaos to a Thriving Vintage Business: My Journey to Finding the Perfect Office or Studio Space

So right now I’m currently looking at office space
or studio space to rent in my area
because I had to take all of my stuff from my ex’s.
I was keeping it there and just like taking bits and selling it in,
in segments, but I had to take it all.
And this is my fucking bedroom right now.
And I don’t even have a clothing rail.
Like, this is all stuff on hangers
and I don’t have a clothing rail free with space to put it on.
So I don’t know what to fucking do.
I, I need,
I need a separate space to work
cause this is just a nightmare.
It’s killing me. This is actually organized as well.
I know it just looks like a mound,
but I know where everything is.
I’m gonna try and sell a lot of this quickfire,
but not like the shirt is moving so slow.
In my vintage, my Depop,
I used to sell everything so fucking quickly.
And I’ve got a similar following on my Vinted,
and I still have similar exposure,
but I’m just not selling this quick.
I suppose people are there for like much cheaper throwaway pieces.
I’m not. I’m on vintage for vintage and designer,
but like I, I think the demographics are a little different
cause I’m really struggling right now.
There’s fucking loads, but most of this isn’t listed,
to be fair. Um,
a chunk of it is, but most of it’s not.
I wanna try and get at least these fucking skirts listed today.
I’ve been saying I’m gonna do it for ages and I’ve just simply not.
So that’s my plan. Um.
I wanna try and get this down,
but I wanna start running an online vintage shop.
That’s my my goal.
So I think an office space or studio space will be worth it anyway.
Cause a fucking working out
my bedroom is a bumbaclot nightmare.
I have applied for a place.
It’s like 2 40 a month.
But I used to work for the company that’s renting it out
and that will either work for me or against me.
Might work against me. So I was a bit of a nobby when I worked there.
Um. Haha.