Stay Home: A Dramatic Dialogue about Relationships and Misunderstandings

Well, I’m telling you,
it’s gonna be so late, and we got a table.
Is it cool if I bring Jennifer?
Why don’t you stay home? What?
Stay home, bro.
Stay home? Why would you ask that?
Well, that sounds dumb, bro.
Like, what?
And what. What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do when we get there?
Yeah, we’re gonna be at the table,
and then you guys are gonna have your own little date night.
We’re. We’re gonna be doing our own thing,
and you ignore us the whole night,
bro. And then what?
Break up again? Do you?
Oh, yeah,
you’re famous. Walk off to the side,
argue with each other because she’s toxic.
No, I’m not doing that now.
That’s embarrassing,
you know? And then you’re like, oh,
I gotta go find her. Babe,
babe, babe, babe,
come back. Come back, bro.
I gotta go. She’s mad.
As if it’s a surprise. As if she doesn’t do it every time.
It’s just a question. It was dumb.
It was a dumb question. So you can stay back just for this one, eh?
We’ll regroup next. Next week.