Epic Hair Transformation and Unexpected Social Plans

Okay, friends.
Okay, okay, okay.
I am finally done. I think I got there around 11:30 ish, 11:40,
and it is now 5:37, and I just got out.
It is definitely way longer than I’ve ever had my hair before.
It absolutely hurts, and it’s still wet at the bottom,
but I love it. I was so scared.
I’ve never had, like,
hair this long, first of all,
or this damn blond and long.
So I was like, I know what I was gonna look like,
but I was like, even if I hate it,
even if I hated it, I was like,
I’m gonna have to wear it,
but I absolutely love it. And now, like,
I feel like I need to be out in these streets,
but my head hurt real bad.
And Chloe just told me she’s not going to the family fun night with me
because she don’t have the social battery to go out two days in a row.
Is she really 14 or she 92?
I really don’t understand.
So I guess I’m going to grab me some pizza
from this place down the street,
because my stomach is definitely hitting my back.
That’s so cute. Oh,
thank you. Oh,
he said I was cute. Oh,
I needed that today. But, um, yeah,
so I’m about to go grab me a slice of pizza,
and then I guess I’m going to the house.