Unveiling the Reality of Food Addiction: A Personal Journey of Struggle, Triumph, and Understanding

Hi, Benji, how are you? Welcome to the chat. I just have a few questions for you. Would you tell a that their drug of choice is not addictive and they just lack discipline and self control? Would you tell a sex addicts that sex is not addictive and they just lack discipline and self control? Would you tell an alcoholic that alcohol is not addictive and they just lack discipline and self control. You are the problem, sir.

I am addicted to food. In food is very addicted, addictive for me personally. Just like a chases a high, I chase that high with food. There is a high that food gives me where I feel there truly is no words to describe it. And I spent a better portion of my 33 years of life chasing that high. And when I would be on that cloud nine, when I would be in that food coma, so high off of the food that I just consumed and I would feel myself start going down. I would consume more just to stay at that high, to have that mentality around food. And for you to tell me I wasn’t addicted, you sound stupid. And that’s the point of this video is because there are so many people out there that view food detection like it’s nothing, like it’s not comparable to other addictions and that’s not true. My feelings and my addiction is just as valid as Joe smoke and crack on the corner. And like, I’ve been there, bro.

I’ve been addicted to drugs. I’ve been addicted to alcohol. I’ve been addicted to sex, gambling, any. I have a very addictive personality. Wake, who are you to say that I’m not battling an addiction? I’ve worked hard. I’ve lost 125 pounds in recovery for my addiction to food. Cuz not only do I have a food addiction, I also have a binge eating disorder. And those two combine, baby brought you this plus another hundred and twenty five pounds that is now gone forever.

So don’t insult me because I have plenty of discipline and I have self control. But I also have a drug of choice. And every day that I wake up, I’m, I’m fighting. I am fighting to live over my addiction. And you, you know, here’s the funny thing. If I’m addicted to drugs, I can have drugs not be in my life if I’m addicted to alcohol, I can remove alcohol from my life. You know what I need every day to survive? I need to eat. And that’s where things get complicated with this addiction. I can’t just quit my addiction. Called Turkey. Wrong, sir. You are wrong. I need to have the discipline and self control to actively consume my drug of choice and have it right on the line. Not too little, not too much, not get triggered by this, not get triggered by that. So why are you minimizing my addiction? I would love for you to take out the word food, replace it with other people’s drug of choice, and comment on their videos and tell them it’s not addictive. So why is it okay to do it to me?