Milestone Moments and Gratitude: An Update from a Musician on the Rise

I woke up to one million monthly listeners this morning,
and I wanted to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.
It means so much to me. I realise,
you know, numbers aren’t everything.
They come and go, but it’s really a milestone for me.
I’ve been doing this for 20 years,
and it was probably about a year and a half ago
I really thought about giving up,
doing something else. It just was not working for me.
It was dead end after dead end.
And instead I started posting my process,
being less precious with it.
And then you guys started showing up,
and now we’re going on tour and tours are selling out,
and it’s just. My mind is blown.
I can’t thank you enough.
I get to come in here every day and make music,
and that’s really all I could ever ask for.
So I have new songs coming out,
some as soon as next week.
Uh, the album’s coming this year,
and I can’t wait for you to hear it all. Thank you so much.