Trusting in the Lord: Building Faith, Seeking His Will, and Finding Freedom

the verse of the day is Proverbs 3:5-6
and it says “trust in the Lord with all your heart
do not depend on your own understanding
seek his will in all you do
and he will show you which path to take”
the title of today’s portion of scripture is called trusting in the Lord
and I love how it’s the verse after yesterday’s verse
where in Psalms it talked about how God understands our heart
he created our heart so he understands our heart
and today we’re gonna talk about how to trust God with our heart
which I think could be easier
once you understand the concept that God created our heart
and he understands it
so the safest person to trust your heart with is the one who created it
is the one who gets it and because he gets our heart
he understands why we fall short
and that means that he’s a safe place to go to when we fall short
because he understands and the cool thing about Jesus and
and growing with God is you start to understand that God completes our heart
which helps us continue to build trust
because we start to see more and more clearly that our heart is safest with him
because without him we’re vulnerable to the world
we’re vulnerable to sin and pain and trauma and
and our heart becoming hardened and separate from who we were intended to be
and separate from freedom
because when we don’t walk with God
we are a slave to the world
we’re a slave to sin we’re a slave to the things that rip us from freedom
the reason why it’s so important to learn how to trust the Lord
with all your heart
and I think this is something we’re always gonna learn how to get better at
you don’t just make it oh
I’ve officially Learned how to trust God with my entire heart
no the more you walk with God
the more he helps you learn how to trust more and more
and that’s why he takes you at a certain pace
because he wouldn’t have you walk out a crazy level of faith
if you haven’t taken the tiny step
cause that would be way too overwhelming
and it would make us feel like we wouldn’t be able to handle it
so he takes us out of pace to grow our trust
he takes us at a pace to grow our faith
so that’s why we continue to learn how to trust more and more
and the more we do that and walk with him
the more we understand more and more about who he is
and how we really can trust him with our whole heart
because we’re gonna start to see him show up in new ways and and
and answer prayers in new ways
and set our heart free in new ways
so we learn how to let go
more and more and how to let God
today’s verse pairs really well with the podcast episode I dropped this week
where we talk about God’s discipline
how God’s discipline proves his love
he gives us boundaries to live by because he wants us to thrive
he wants to protect our heart
and when it says trust in the Lord with all your heart
do not depend on your own understanding
but seek his will
that is something we have to continually learn to do
when we’re feeling weak when we’re feeling tempted
when we’re feeling like the world is throwing things at us that we can’t handle
we should not depend on our own understanding
because our own understanding will get us in trouble
our own understanding will draw us into selfish tendencies
and into un pure motives
but when we learn that God’s understanding is what births true freedom
and God’s understanding is what shows us which path is best for us
we start to understand the concept of faith over feelings
this is something God is also trying to teach us our
our whole life is how to follow faith and not our feelings
our feelings will lie to us
our feelings will tell us
I don’t feel like it but faith says
I’m gonna follow what’s true no matter how I feel
faith says I believe it no matter what my reality looks like
faith says I’m gonna continue to step because I know god is good
and he has my back
and he’ll continue to carry me through and give me everything that I need
and strengthen me along the way
faith is facts
feelings are faulty feelings are not true
because they are laced a lot of times with pain and hurt
and wrong motives and selfish tendencies
which is why we have to continue to die to our way and follow God’s way
because that will keep us in alignment with truth
that will keep us on the right path
that will keep our heart protected from pain and the wrong understanding
and walking into situations or decisions that we aren’t meant to walk out
but when we seek his will and all that we do
he will show us which path to take
seeking his will is following what the Bible says
seeking his will it is following kingdom over culture
seeking his will is being disciplined
when you feel judgmental it’s checking your heart and being like Lord
get rid of all judgment help me to see this person the way you see them
help me to get rid of all judgement Lord
if I’m judging them I must be judging myself in that same way
so set me free from self rejection
set me free from self judgement
Lord help me to love my neighbour as myself
and I can only love them well if I don’t judge myself
Lord help me to see myself through the lens that you
see me through unconditional love
because then I’m going to have that same love to give my neighbour
and that’s what it looks like to seek his will
and all that we do
practically it’s Lord
I know your word says I need to forgive
and I feel resentment Lord
I pray that you would soften my heart
and help me to get to a place of forgiveness
Holy Spirit help me forgive
and it’s through practicing stuff like that
that you will be able to know which path to take
and that you will be able to figure out what his will is for your life
and that you will be able to stay in alignment with freedom
and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit
and be an example of love
and stay really connected to God’s heart
and the cool part about that
and following his understanding and on our own
is it will effortlessly build our trust in God
because if we go to God to help us to get rid of judgement
and to get rid of unforgiveness
and we really seek that healing and that dependency on him to set us free
you’re gonna get that healing
you’re gonna start to have more love for people
you’re gonna have more forgiveness in your heart
and your heart will soften
so you’re gonna see the change
which is going to effortlessly build your trust
& dependence on God
because you’re seeing him show up and you’re seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit
and you’re seeing the power of the Holy Spirit actually move in your heart
that’s a really cool place to be
because your trust in God will just continue to grow
so you’re gonna lean on him more
and you’re gonna start to do life with him more and
and bring him more into every moment of your life
the reason why seeking God’s understanding in the midst of confusion or pain or
or uh
indecisiveness or not knowing what to do or what decision to make
is because sin clouds our judgement
anxiety worry
fear gossip
all of that clouds our judgment
and so that’s why we don’t know which path to take a lot of times
because we’re feeling conflicted in our own feelings
but when we surrender our feelings and we turn our eyes to Jesus and we say
Lord give me your perspective
what’s your truth you start to see more clearly
because God’s truth makes it real simple
it really does set your heart free
when your heart gets set free
your mind gets more clear
and then you have more understanding for what path you should take
and what decision you should make
so practically seeking his will
and all you do is seeking relationship with him
and understanding his word and what his word says
and the more you understand what his word says
and reading the Bible and developing that relationship
the more you’re going to then learn how to be disciplined
and nowhere you need to be more disciplined in your life
because whatever you’re not doing
that the word of God says to do
means that’s where you need to be more disciplined
so by doing that you will understand which path to take okay