Surveillance Video: Unforeseen Chaos and the Importance of Fitness in Law Enforcement

If I told you that an officer had his radio cord wrapped around his neck, disarmed by his baton and his baton used against him, and all by a girl who looks like she’s 120 pounds. Would y’all believe me what you’re getting ready to see is surveillance video from a hotel on December 17th,2023 where this crazy lady. Kids don’t do drugs, stay in school. This crazy lady walks through the hotel, starts, you know, ransacking in the office, starts all sorts of crazy nonsense. But then we’ll later on, we’re gonna get into the officer body cam footage of how the officer responds when he interacts with her. And since there’s no audio attached to this because it’s hotel lobby surveillance footage, I decided to go ahead and throw some elevator music on there for you. Let’s watch.

I repeat, kids, stay in school and don’t do drugs. Now what you guys are getting ready to watch is I at least expected this woman to essentially overpower this officer. She grabs his radio cord and chokes him out. Then she takes his baton.

But that’s one of the main reasons why I actually want to talk to you guys about today’s sponsor, this video is Fit Responder. I’ve seen and reviewed so many different police videos that it makes me realize, like, man, like we have to stay in shape because it can not only compromise our safety, but it could also compromise the safety of the community. Make sure you guys go to Fit Responders website and sign up. So that way you guys can get your first consultation. Not only do you guys get custom meal plans, custom workouts, but you could literally talk to them every single day of the week.

I think one of the hardest things about getting back into shape is personal accountability. That’s one of the main reasons why I’ve actually like to partner with them, because they’re gonna hold you accountable to the goals that you guys set. If you guys use code BBU, you guys will get one month of free coaching. I mean, I don’t know if any better deals out like that. All right. Let’s get back to the insanity of this video because again, this video is pretty insane. Come.

Here, come here. Come back. Come back. Come here. It’s a police. You’re safe. No, you’re safe. Come here. Me, please. I’m the police. Come here. Are you gonna take me jail? No, for real.

Come here.

8,14 said, okay, I got one running. Have a one on an AC center. Get on the ground right now.

A force location. We’re back on running towards the front of the model back in case of kind of unsure to follow another 24. Ma’am, how do you wish that get back. Why get back count stop and I don’t want to shoot you. Don’t be, you know, I don’t worry. I refused it. Why that? Okay, you me. Oh, help.

So at this moment, I don’t know if you guys recognize, but she has his radio cord. And according to some of the articles on this, it was wrapped around his neck. So she’s pulling it and his ass that he had, his baton falls out during the scuffle. She grabs it.

So I want to ask you the question as you’re watching this, is this now a deadly forest situation or not a deadly force situation? I want you guys to respond in the comment section below and tell me at this moment in time when you see this picture, is the officer, does he have the ability to utilize Delhi Force or would that be excessive? What do you guys think?

Comment below. Let’s continue to watch the video. There you go. Obviously, we had to blur this, the rest of this video out just because we want to stay within their guidelines, what ends up happening after deadly force is used against her, she crawls around on the ground for a little bit and then they attempt to save her life. However, she succumbs to her injuries at the hospital. But it’s a crazy video and crazy scenario nonetheless. I mean the, the, I, I, when I was watching this for the first time, I would, I was actually rather surprised at how all this started and how it was able to get to this moment. But it comes back to the question I ask you, could the officer utilize deadly force in a scenario? If you ask me, yes. Obviously, we talk about case law, grand versus Connor, Tennessee versus Garner, all the other, all the above. She is, has a daily weapon, a baton, if it’s used in a sense, as it was. She hit him a couple times in a head, causing him to bleed. That can be considered a deadly weapon is a blunt weapon. It’s a blunt force object that she used against them. So he was able to utilize deadly force the way he did. But like I said, and again, this is not a critique on the officer, but this is more of why it’s so important for us to have other tools in a tool about whether it’s Brazilian jijitsu, whether it’s from MAGA, whether it’s boxing, you name it, if you can rely on your hands and prevent yourself from going down to the ground, like happening in this video, then maybe you don’t even get to a point where she’s able to disarm you of your baton.

The other thing that’s also critically important to notate is, this is why it’s so important for us to try to maintain a level of shape in the course of our duty.

Now this might be controversial, what I’m about to say, but I’m a say it anyway just because I think it’s appropriate. You know, there are so many different regulations that prevent law enforcement from actually making it mandatory that officers maintain a level of shape. But what’s weird to me is if you look at the military, the military has guidelines that require us to maintain a level of shape. And so if we add, if you were to ask me, what do you think, right, what do you think should happen? I do personally believe that there should be guidelines that make it mandatory for law enforcement or first responders to maintain some type of level of fitness. Why? Because we have the one job that requires us to be in some type of semi shape in order for us to overcome some of the circumstances that we deal with on a day to day basis. Our lives depend on it. The community’s lives depend on it. And not only that, once you retire, don’t you wanna live a long lasting life because somebody held you accountable? So staying in shape, that’s why, again, that’s why I partner with Fit Responder. This is not just an ad just for the sake of having an ad. I partner with people who I believe are contributing to having a better profession. So anyways, I hope you guys are able to get something from this video.

Crazy scenario at the very end of it. Let me know what you guys think in the comment section below. If you guys haven’t already, check out our website, Breaking Berries, We’re doing some phenomenal things, but I wanna know what you guys think below. Take care and God bless.