Understanding the Differences: Talking Points on Reproductive Rights, Economy, Climate Change, Firearm Policy, and Worker Rights in the Two Major Parties

now that we’re all signing up to go knock on doors and talk to v@ters
I wanted to give you some basic talking points
for the differences between the two major parties in this country
and before you say everybody knows that
no they don’t
you will be astonished once you start talking to v@ters
how many are completely checked out of the political process
to the point where they don’t even know the most basic differences
between R3publicans and D3mocrats
so be armed with the facts first
and this is important because again
not everybody knows it when it comes to reproductive healthcare
D3mocrats support a right to choose
they also support access to contraception and access to IVF
full stop they wanna protect those rights
R3publicans have proven by their legislative record that they do not
across the country they are trying to ban and criminalize this
and they are also trying to make it much more difficult
to access birth control and IVF
on the economy
D3mocrats tend to focus a lot on helping the middle and working classes
they believe that a rising tide lifts all boats
they tend to be much more concerned with health care costs and accessibility
D3mocrats passed the ACA for example
D3mocrats are staunch supporters of programs that D3mocrats created
like Social Security Medicare
Medicaid nutritional assistance
they want to support and increase those programs
by charging rich people more taxes
since around 1980 R3publicans have taken the opposite approach
they believe that you should cut taxes dramatically
especially on the very wealthiest
and that the riches that will accrue there will trickle down to everybody else
this is a policy called trickle down economics
and it has failed every time
but they still say that it works
they try to pay for their tax cuts
by the way by cutting programs that benefit you and me
they have also
repeatedly proposed raising the retirement age for Social Security
which is a cut in fancy clothes
oh and contrary to popular opinion
R3publicans are the ones who raise deficits traditionally
D3mocrats are the ones who create jobs traditionally
I’ll send you a whole presentation about it if you want. on climate change
D3mocrats believe in climate change
they know it is an existential threat
and they know it’s happening now
they also know it is costing our country billions of dollars already
and will continue to be more and more expensive if we don’t address it
The R3publican Party almost without exception
denies the existence of climate change
all R3publicans want to expand oil and gas drilling
and end clean energy projects
Donald Trump recently asked Big Oil and gas for a billion dollar donation
in exchange for which
he said he would essentially let them write our country’s energy policy
most D3mocrats support transitioning to clean energy sources almost completely
Biden made great strides in that
now fire@rms
D3mocrats support the Second Amendment
but they also support common sense laws like universal background checks
safe storage laws and a ban on as**ult w—pons
R3publicans actively work to block all of that legislation
and anything that has to do with regulating Duns
which is why Pew pews are now the leading cause of unaliving for our children
on workers rights and union organizing
D3mocrats support unions staunchly
Biden was the first president to ever stand in a picket line
R@publicans staunchly oppose unions and try to union bust at every turn
so there’s your little primer
the two parties really are quite different
I hope those talking points are helpful to you
and if you don’t believe anything I’ve said
Google it it’s all true and easy to find online
have a great time knocking on doors