Navigating the In-Between: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth

One thing about it,
I always said I wanna be the advocate for the in betweens.
And what I mean by that is we’re in.
It’s a real weird space between your 20s and your 30s, right?
I’m almost at the 30s, she a little bit up there.
But it’s just kind of like when you go to certain things
right in your early 20s and everybody look they 20s different.
But I feel like when you come on this here social media,
everybody try to make it seem like everything’s perfect
or life is just such a great thing,
which life is a great thing,
do not get me wrong. Let’s not make it seem like that.
But nobody really shows the downs that much.
And it’s like sometimes people don’t want to watch the downs
cause they don’t want to be depressed.
And maybe they they so much,
you know, in a high
in a life where they don’t want nothing to potentially break them down.
Right? But then you got the in betweens, right?
Like you happy and you life is going,
you living, you breathing,
you can pay your bills and stuff like that.
But you still trying to figure it out
and you don’t know how exactly to maneuver through that.
I always said I want to be the advocate for that.
Everybody always sees me as being a happy person.
Like I’m very charismatic.
I feel.
I feel like I’m always that person that’s Just to bring up the energy.
Like, you always see me laughing,
I’m always making a joke. One thing about me,
i’mma make a joke, she’s gonna joke about it.
But at the same time, I’m also trying to figure it out now, y’all.
I never wanted to be such a better person in my life right now
then I ever wanted to be in life, right?
So I always tell people, I wanna be a better friend,
I wanna be a better daughter, sibling,
I wanna be a better girlfriend,
I wanna be a better mother.
I don’t have no kids right now,
but I know when I do have kids,
and although I know you have to experience certain things,
like, you just have to go through certain things
to be able to maneuver through it,
cause you could say, oh, easy,
like, if I’m a mother,
i’mma just do a little bit more,
as you don’t know what type of situation will be faced with,
like being a mother, right?
But at the same time, I noticed certain things I, like,
I know it’s certain places that I need to heal.
And I know I go, I go, look,
the roller coaster, look. Okay,
one day I’m gonna be crying,
bawling my eyes out, not understanding why I’m crying.
The next time I’m gonna be laughing,
goofing around, jumping around,
making jokes, like all different types of stuff.
But it’s just kind of like I,
throughout my Journey. I just want to be that person to where, like,
oh, like,
she really did it. Like,
she’s having the same kind of days I’m having.
She’s having the same thoughts and worries that,
you know, I’m having right now.
As far as, like,
being a better person. Like,
I’m not saying I’m a bad person or bad friend,
girlfriend, etcetera,
but it’s just at the same time,
I know that if I work on me internally even more than I am now,
and I’m already. I have a. Look,
this is my opinion. I really feel like I’m a great person.
Like, everybody won’t feel like they’re a great person,
but I really, really,
really like, of course,
to be in face with situation while they did bitch. Like,
you too good of a person. Like,
you need to, like,
shut up, like,
lay low or, like,
like, a little bit.
But at the same time, it’s just like,
I just wanna be such a better me for me.
And I know I can’t be a better person for anybody else
until I take care of me. So it’s just kind of like,
being on this journey is hard.
Y’all. Y’all don’t really see people talk about these things,
and it’s like, how do you talk about it without trying to seem, like,
so depressing, but at the same time,
trying to bring awareness? Like,
you are not alone. Like,
we gonna get through this shit.
Like, how Do you like?
It’s weird, y’all.
It’s weird. Growing is weird.
It’s uncomfortable. It. Yeah.