Generational Feuds: A Breakfast Table Debate

So this morning we’re having breakfast and my husband says,
what’s a Gen Z? My mom shouts out,
it’s the same as a millennial.
So obviously we’re now all fighting and we’re going back and forth,
and everybody’s, everybody’s 100% confident that they are correct.
I had to pull out a table from my own book
that shows information about the different generation.
My husband’s so confused cause he saw the Clipper.
Mindy Kaling called herself a Gen Z actress,
which is just frankly not helping the matter.
it turns out that my parents have been fighting about this before,
about whether or not they are boomers.
My mom says that they’re not boomers,
that they are Generation Jones.
And listen, it’s not like I don’t acknowledge that exists,
but that is the subgeneration at best.
And also, it’s sort of niche.
It’s not one of the commonly understood
general generations that people talk about.
Meanwhile, my kids are on the couch eating their pancakes,
and they’re going, we’re Alphas!
We’re Alphas! Again,
did not help the situation.
If you haven’t got your head wrapped around the concept
of millennials and Gen Z being two different generations,
I can’t, I,
there’s no way I can explain Gen Alpha to you.
It is inexplicable. So, yeah,
that’s my morning. What’s your family fighting about?