Exploring Celebrities’ Belief Systems and Dream Interpretation: A Call to Deepen Your Relationship with Jesus

Many of these celebrities are telling you what they do in their music.
They’re telling you how they act.
They’re telling you the rituals that they perform.
They’re telling you how they’re really against Jesus.
Just like an Empire State of mind.
Jay Z said, Jesus can’t save you.
Life begins when the church ends.
And here goes some of you.
Hee Hee Hee. He was just playing.
No, you don’t play like that.
That shows me you don’t know god for real.
What if somebody came up and said some about your mama?
Would it be, Hee Hee Hee,
just playing then? No.
Wouldn’t that shows me that you put your mama over Jesus?
Jesus himself said that you need to put him over your mama.
So that’s a problem. That’s a problem you need to address quickly.
Cause if you die with that in your heart,
you ain’t going to heaven.
You are not going to heaven.
You need to have a close relationship with Jesus.
And if you get mad when somebody talk about your mama but not Jesus,
that’s a problem.
I just want you to think on these things and keep them in mind,
all right? They’re really telling you what they believe in,
their belief systems. Believe them.
The deadline is days away.
This month’s class is geared towards understanding
whenever you have nightmares,
what they mean. How to fight dream interpretation.
Whenever god gives you dreams and visions
about the time of the End the lord’s return
and more so,
if you have a yearning desire to learn more about these things,
this class is for you. The deadline is days away.
To sign up, click the event bright link in my bio.
It is not a live class. It is pre recorded.
It’s yours once you get it
to watch forever as long as YouTube is running.
I’ll email it to you the final three days of the month.