Title: Unsettling Encounter: Bathroom Intrusion and Office Spying

hey you ready to go
seriously the weirdest thing just happened to me
let’s just get in the car
seriously I don’t know what is going on
but Elizabeth literally burst in on me in the bathroom
um she did what
like on accident
no on purpose
like she said she had to talk to me
she wouldn’t even get out when I told her to
were you actually on the toilet
no I was getting ready to pull my pants down
that could have been really awkward seriously
but anyway she said she had to talk to me about something
and she was saying that she was so sorry
and that we couldn’t go to the restaurant for lunch
because Judy was going to be there
and so she was trying to warn me
just warn you that Judy was going to the same restaurant we planned to go to
she had a burst in on the bathroom for that
no she apologized
and she said she was sorry for everything and that I had no reason to trust her
which I said of course yeah
I don’t and she said that Judy had told her to watch us
but she didn’t know it was all gonna come down on her
and she thought she was doing the right thing
blah blah
blah blah
yeah I don’t trust that for a second
yeah I don’t really either
but regardless do you wanna just get our food to go
and we can just eat it in the car
yeah I guess we can do that
but you know
I mean we still have to go in and order it
so I guess we can see if Judy’s there
well and whether Judy’s there or not
at least you know
if we eat it in the car we know we’re not being spied on and overheard
I don’t even know why I feel like we can’t even have a conversation anymore
like a normal conversation
without feeling like we’re being watched all the time
and listen to all the time
well it’s not just a feeling
that’s exactly what’s happening
well we haven’t done anything wrong
so I mean
I suppose it really doesn’t matter if
you know they can overhear us
but I don’t want them to overhear us talking about the situation
that’s happened to us either
you know no
I get it but I’m sure Judy and Elizabeth
are both gonna be a lot more careful in the office
knowing they’re being watched
so maybe we do need to be more aware of what is happening outside of work
and be up on our garden be watching to see who’s around
hundred percent now let’s go I’m starving