The Forgotten Truth: A Reflection on the Biden Presidency Transition and American Politics

I want to bring something up
that we’ve just conveniently forgotten about.
The United States Supreme Court majority wrote the following quote.
Women are not without electrical. Without,
not allowed, not without electrical. Electoral
for political power.
No kidding.
Listen, got.
Got. Got nothing but love for you,
Joey B. I got nothing but love for you,
Joey B. But one thing that we are completely forgetting
is that our country told us that this man was mentally fit
for the last four years, and they were convincing us
that he was even more fit to run for another four years.
And I get that they put Kamala in,
and we can talk about how we didn’t elect to Kamala,
we didn’t vote for Kamala,
all these other things, but, like,
do we not realize that in 20 years,
we’re gonna look back on this
and realize this was the biggest freaking scam in American history?
The Biden presidency transitioning into the,
to the, uh,
Harris, uh,
campaign trail
is going to be the biggest freaking coup in American history,
in my personal opinion. Right?
We’re writing movie scripts here.
We’re writing movie scripts.
Go grab you one. If you’re thankful,
respectful and wavering, motivated and persistent,
you might just change the world.
You have this one. You also got the one that’s hidden message
to where I’ve had people be like, oh,
I love your shirt. I’m like, yeah,
it says Trump and the like.
So mostly, goodbye much Love y’all.