The Overreliance on Star Wars IP in Video Games: A Critical Look

My problem with Star Wars games
they insist upon themselves.
In all seriousness, no.
Name one Star Wars game
that didn’t lean on the fact that it was in the universe of Star Wars
and it was actually a good game.
The only game I can think of off the top of my head
is maybe Jedi Survivor.
I was talking about outlaws and people called me a certified hater,
but most people agreed. My
the problem that I have with Star Wars Outlaws is
the only marketable thing that this game has put forward
is that it’s set in the Star Wars universe.
Like dude, I hate video games that are set in a IP for a movie.
Star Wars is probably the biggest offender of this
because of how many Star Wars games have been made.
Like, I wanna put this in perspective for you.
So many Star Wars games have been made,
there has been a major triple A game release for in the Star Wars IP
every single year since 1993.
So yeah, no.
We’ve had enough Star Wars games.
Guess what? Most of them were mid.
If you have to lean on the fact
that your game takes place in Star Wars
and it’s. It’s just not,
objectively, it’s not a good game.
Star Wars Battlefront. It’s cool cause you play as Darth Vader.
Other than that it’s pretty mid.
Why do you think Ubisoft and EA pay top dollar to have the Star Wars
Franchise. Cause it’s almost like it’s a cheat code.
If I put Star Wars in the title of anything,
I instantly guarantee I’m gonna have a certain amount of suckers
that are gonna buy the game.
And I do mean suckers. I’m sorry,
how many times do you have to see Star Wars in the title
for you to realize that doesn’t guarantee it’s gonna be a good game?
In fact, I would argue,
based off what we’ve gotten,
if I see Star Wars in the title, I’m.
It’s almost guaranteed to be bad.
But there you go. Yeah,
that’s my beef for Star Wars games.