Unveiling the True Cost of New Cars: Is It Worth the Expense?

new cars are cool
but you know how much it actually costs you to finance a new car
but the average car payment in America is around 7:50 a month
but used cars around $500 a month to me is crazy
because I bought an entire car from my ex girlfriend for 500 bucks
didn’t love it cause it was a shitbox
but at least it worked and it worked for 2 years
and then she sold it for more than what I paid for
that’s another discussion
anyway back to the real cost
please understand that when you decide to spend $700 a month for 6 years
sir and every single month
your cost is not only $700 a month
so what that money could be if you invested it somewhere else
next to $700 a month invested at the age of 25 or next 40 years
first of all 51 k saved that a 10%
if you invest in things like the s m P
500 and made 10% a year
six years is 66 grand if you leave it there for another 34 years
I see an actual number yeah
you’re saying no to a potential $1.686 million
by buying your car that cost you $700 a month
before you buy a car that you can barely afford
just look cool do this calculation
you really think that spending 51 grand look cool worth it
that giving up a potential of $1.7 million
that’s for you to decide here’s other question
whether new car gets you more women
I don’t know about you I don’t know how many women get to see your car
because even if you’re going out
gonna park the car far away
gonna walk to the place you’re going out to meet the women
nobody gonna give a shit and nobody’s gonna see that car anyway
unless you oppose it on Miami Beach
driving back and forth in a Ferrari
just still cannot afford that
because it’s more than $700 a month for
I don’t see the investments