A Journey of Healing and Reflection: Updates from Japan

Okay, updates from Japan. So today’s my lesson in Hokkaido. We stayed one night in Chido se and it was good. We left nobody. Back to yesterday morning. We went to Tito SE. We dropped off our stuff and then we actually went back in to support. Oh, and that was like a really good thing. I feel like we needed the time to visit Sepporo again because so much has been happening. Hold on. And I think there was a part of me that was a little like annoyed with myself for not just booking the flight right away to Tokyo, but it was nice to actually take the time. I think in most cases, we just don’t take the time that we need. And in a situation like this, I definitely need to process everything in the moment. Because if I waited until I got back to the States, I don’t know if I’d be okay. Cuz considering like the jet lag has been brutal. I like, I just wouldn’t be good if you have to like, you know, if you have to rush through something. So it’s just something to keep in find, you know, if you’re ever on a journey like this, just be kind and be patient.

So we’re going to Tokyo today and we’re only to be there for, we’re gonna leave on Thursday. So today is, I mean, I’m in the future guys for most of you. So today is Tuesday and so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, we’ll leave on Thursday. We’ve moved up the flight because, yeah, my mom’s hired. And it was just like, it was adding up, you know, everything’s, you know, it cost money. But I just feel good now and I feel like Tokyo, while we went there back in 2008, this time around I feel like we’re gonna leave on a really good note and we’re really looking forward to it. We’re keeping it pretty mellow. As much as like there’s so much I would love to do in Tokyo, but I feel like that’s for another trip with like me and my husband, you know, but it feels good guys. It feels good to have gotten as far to submit the DNA, to know that, and this happened. It’s, it was so much bigger than I expected. Everybody was kinder than I expected. I feel like when you go through like a trauma or a situation like this, a lot of times it’s like so isolating that you feel like it’s just you against the world. And it was nice to experience the humanity and empathy from others that I just felt like I wasn’t getting in the beginning because it was just, I was blinded by the stress and the trauma. You know, over time, doing this has helped me tremendously. You guys don’t even know you guys are my everything. But yeah, this has been the most insane journey of my life. And once a few things settle down, I might, I’ll be able to get into, I think, what really, what’s going on behind the scenes. There’s, you know, privacy laws and things like that. I’m just gonna be very respectful of right now. But when the time comes, I will fill everybody in as fast as I can without exposing anything. There’s nothing to expect. But yeah, this has been quite a journey. And there’s a part of me I was discussing with my mom last night when we were in Sapporo, it just feels like a part of us is here. So that’s, I hope to visit again someday. I don’t think this is goodbye forever, just goodbye for now. Just I’m ready to close this chapter.