Understanding God’s Judgment and the Importance of Alignment with His Will

let me tell you three categories of people in the Bible that god destroys
No. 1 enemies
and when god destroys enemies is not just something that happens
enemies there let me define for you who God’s enemies are
this is not my discussion
but I want you to know God’s enemy is not just the person who fights you
God’s enemy is anybody who perpetually interrupts the manifestation of his will
God’s definition of an enemy is not based on sentiments or biases
you can become God’s enemy
if you consistently become an interruption to his will
if he loves you because he’s your
you’re his child he may not judge you in terms of trying you
but you will be edged out of the position that creates that interruption
by giving your bishopric to another
this is how God works
I taught you this on earth already
our last discussion are we together now yes
so when you say arise and let your enemies be scattered
make sure you are not part of them first
that’s why the Bible talks about righteousness
who shall ascend to the heal of the Lord
don’t just pray blindly and be a victim of your prayer
you see that there’s a lot of prayerfulness
but in ignorance many people prayer miss
you think just because you hate a man
god hates the man you can be say no god
kill that director for me
now help me and kill this man
and God is saying no
even though he’s not my son
he’s a Cyrus that I’ve ordained
and for as long as this system works
it is an honour to them that you will rise
there are cyruses who although they are not in Christ
they have through the sincerity of their heart
align strategically to God’s program
you will not take them out
you will leave them there
their relevance is too important this is a mystery
in God’s end time program
you will see many people who are not of the faith playing sensitive roles
because the most important thing
listen when he appeared onto Joshua
do you not read your Bible
he said are you for us or against us
what was the answer he said neither
no this is not how I walk
I am for anything that is pro my will
so is it who is on the lord’s side
get my message who is on the lord’s side
you have to before you invoke God’s judgement
verify your position
many believers have become casualties of careless prophetic speakings
Lord destroy anybody that stops your program
destroy anybody and God is say
I’m warning you you don’t know what you are doing
verified before Moses invoke judgment
he said who is on the lord’s side
let me give you a chance if you are for him
and Elijah said if god be god this way
he bell god will always give an opportunity for the will
of man to willfully reject him before judgment is mattered upon people
are we together now we see his character in minife again as
as idolatris and as stiff necked and stubborn as they are
he sent Jonah he loved Jonah
but Jonah’s life went down
as a genuine prophet you don’t have to be faithful destroy
you just have to be out of the will of god
many good people will be corrupters of God’s program
simply because they do not understand the power of alignment
this is not about being real or fake
this is about being if you are Jonah
rejecting the call of god and running away
you are putting nive at Ransom
god wanted to make out judgement or otherwise
because he sits on a throne that is made of righteousness and justice
I hope you know that the very throne God sits on is an altar
are we together
and Jonah was delaying the manifestation
he needed to give them a chance to choose him or otherwise
and look what god the dealing that god had to go through with Jonah
Jonah entered the belly of the fish
caused people to lose until he repented
realigned and the same instruction again
and he went to an event
Jonah’s refusal was because of something about god he knew
he knew that god was merciful
and he hoped that his delay will make god angry and punish
because god does not forget with iniquity indefinitely
so he was running as his strategy
that the evil will continue to rise as an indignation
and god will be angry and punish them
but God said Jonah go
and the moment Jonah spoke to them
the king said everyone peace and man declare fast
and Jonah was angry go and read your Bible
the entire discussion was the anger of Jonah
he said I know you
this is what I this is a
this is why I ran
because I knew that if they now repent with all this wickedness they have done
you will still forgive them
do you know that about God
if you know that about god
you can still reach your own believing grandfather
after doing witchcraft for 35 years
you can still tell him before you pass on to glory
let me give you a chance to love Jesus
and he says you don’t know how many people have killed
he said does not matter
the moment you declare the lordship of Jesus over your life the Bible