Queer, Size Inclusive Sewing Workshop in Minneapolis: Hand Sewing Basics and Hemming with Maxine

if you’re interested in a beginner sewing workshop
that is in a queer and size inclusive space
keep watching this is taking place in Minneapolis Minnesota
if you’re not there
please still do some stuff over here to help this video reach people
this workshop is gonna be more beginner focused
I’ve been trying to just like
find a way to structure these
and what I’m gonna do for this one
is gonna be more focused around hand sewing basics
as well as hemming so if you have a project that you would like to hem
and that you would even like to use my serger for
this is gonna be for you if we have not met yet
my name is Maxine I’m a gender and size inclusive clothing designer
this is what I do full time
this is what I went to school for
this is what I worked for
doing for other people I’ve been sewing my whole life
I am really passionate about helping people with their projects
and feeling comfortable with it
and finding ways to do it that is not necessarily super
like by the book
that’s more like fun and practical
if all of this sounds good to you
please RSVP just so I know how many people are coming at the link in my bio
this event will be um
15 to 25 dollars sliding scale
whatever works for you so see you there
thanks for watching tell your friends