Debate Over Roman Dutch Law: Contradictions and Controversies in KwaZulu Natal

10 fired in Kwazulu Natal
party members has been adjourned to next month.
The app, my friends,
I’m on a lunch break.
you know, I’ve posted a video on er,
er questioning the,
the logic behind these people who are saying they don’t want
anything to do with er,
our jurisprudence
er, because it’s,
they don’t say it’s based on Roman Dutch law.
They say it’s Dutch law. You know,
I’ve posted a video on that.
I hope the m and then I’ve attracted a chorus of insults
from people who claim to be m
K members.
Now I’m, I’m again saying it’s not,
I’ve not verified their membership.
So that’s why I’m saying people who purport to be m K members.
So if indeed if m K members er,
you know, were unanimous in this er,
illogical debate about er, Roman Dutch law,
hey, what a contradiction.
10 of the 18 members who were fired by the m K have gone to court,
have gone to the court of the court of,
of the Roman Dutch law er,
so that that matter may be set aside.
I don’t know when people say they don’t want Roman Dashlaw and that,
you know, those,
those, er,
that kind of argument, what do they want?
Feudalism where they pay homage to the lords
to the royalty and the lords, the, the, the,
the, the dictators,
the Timbuktu dictators words are law. Do they want that?
What a land of Contradiction. South Africa. Hmm.
Owns Fario. South Africa,
a land of contradiction. Now,
if they’ve gone to the Romanian Dutch law court for relief,
my people. Mmm.