Romance TBR Reading Update: New Additions and Current Favorites

We are going to do a reading update. I feel like I’ve not posted and talked about books in a while. I don’t know how long, but I all of these books to get through. Can you imagine if I would have read all these? But I do wanna go through books that I have read, books that I’ve recently received, some books that I have loved that I’m in the middle of all of my thoughts and we’ll just kind of go from there. We’re gonna start with the books that I just received and then we’ll do reading updates. I just received all of these and I’m gonna do an in depth video and post it, I think after this.

These are all of the books that I received for my romance TBR that I’m building. Obviously, I’ve already read and love this one, but this is the paperback and these were kindly sent by Penguin. So thank you so much.

And then these three. So my brother is in town and he travels a lot. So whenever he travels, he will always stop at a bookstore. He picks a copy. He picks everything. So these are the three that I ended up receiving. He has gone to Greece and he’s gone to Amsterdam, I believe. So this one is the bookseller to recommend him a book for me and he said that this is one that he thinks that I will enjoy.

This is the only one in English and on the inside, like they drew out a picture. They wrote a, no, this is so beautiful. And I’m so happy that I have this. It’s just so sweet.

So I have these that I’ve just added to my collection. This looks like a more reasonable stack. This is what I’ve been reading for the past 2 ish weeks. I think I did finish perfume and pain. And this is for my book club. I liked it. I didn’t absolutely love it as much as a lot of people have. It was enjoyable, nothing against it. I was like a 3 out of 5. I started reading and writing about The Incidental Inventions, which is Elena Farontes collection of stories and random little thoughts that she’s had when she worked with the Guardian. And it’s been nice because I will just read one a day, or not one a day, that’s generous. I’ll read one every couple of days and then journal my thoughts about it. So this has been really nice to have. So I have one physical book and then two on my Kindle.

I recently read a book called Little Rabbit. I read it off of Celine’s recommendation. I wanna make a whole video for that book because I was just not expecting to love it as much as I did. Deserves this whole video. But basically that book was a fun about 5. And then I picked up a Good Girl on my Kindle. This is by Anna Fitz Patrick. I picked that book up thinking that it was another book. The covers are so similar. This is good girl, this is happy hour. I thought good Girl was happy hour. I feel like the book was just way longer than it needed to be. I was interested more soon like the first third, the last two thirds, I didn’t really enjoy. I kept reading thinking that it would pick back up. I ended up switching over from my Kindle to an audiobook. That was only way that I was able to finish it. Didn’t really love it all that much, but those were the two that I read on my Kindle and then my physical copy has been second place by Rachel Cusk. I am almost done with it. Look at all of those tabs.

I am loving this book. I love Rachel Cusk’s writing. I don’t know why it took me so long to actually finish this book, but like, I am loving this book. I have the temporary and outline by Rachel Husk on my shelves over there. So I think once I finish this, I’m gonna start outline because I have a busy week. But I think because they’re like shorter stories, it would be easier to get through. So after this, I am gonna pick up outline. I’m gonna wait to hold off until I finish it to share all of my thoughts. But so far, I am absolutely loving every page. And it is so hard not to underline every single page. So this has been such street. Those are my quick reading updates. I think after I finish second place, I am also going to switch over to Elena Ferrantes, The Lang Life of adults.

I did check Libby last night, and I was able to get the book on my Kindle. And I think I’m going to go ahead and do a giveaway over on my Instagram because there it goes.

I do have a hard cover of this book already. I love this book so much. So because of that, I do think that I wanna go ahead and give this copy to someone else. So I’m thinking of doing a giveaway over on my Instagram. I think it’s gonna have to be US residents only. I don’t know. I haven’t fully worked it out, but I will be posting that over on my Instagram, gram, if you would like to receive this copy. And then depending on whoever wins, I can either. And then depending on whoever ends up getting this, I can either add my favorite quotes and like put my comments. But some people don’t like their books to be written in. So I guess just depending on the person, if you want me to write in it, I would love to. If you don’t, that’s perfectly fine. And you can just enjoy it like this.

But all of that will be hosted over on my Instagram. But I think that’s it. I just wanted to do a quick check again. I feel like I haven’t really been posting and I have a couple of videos saved in my traps that I just have not gotten around to editing. I haven’t really been on TikTok. So I will be working through that, probably posting those throughout the week. Think that’s it.