Workplace Annoyances: Tales of Meetings with Sally and Creative Note-Taking

there are couple things about workplaces that annoy me
not my current workplace
you’re watching this and I work with you
not our work but a place that I worked at before
there was one person who shall remain nameless
let’s name her let’s give her a fake name just in case she’s watching this
let’s say her name is Sally
so Sally would book hour long meetings that could have been two paragraph emails
not even two paragraphs like a paragraph and a bulleted list emails
and then she would jibber jabber for 37 minutes at the meeting
and then she like oh folks
I can give you back 23 minutes of your day
since we have 23 minutes let me tell you a story
and then she would talk for another 37 minutes
and you’d be late for your next meeting
so Sally would often assign different people in these meetings tasks
like you’d be the time keeper
you’d be the notekeeper you’d be the out of scope person
and if she assigned me as the notekeeper
I would like to play a little fun game
I think I need to take a step back
this was not a time where you would bring a laptop into a meeting
and type up your notes no
you brought a pad of paper and a pen
it may as well been a fucking scroll and a quill
or a flintstones stone tablet and a chisel
so I would be there with my yellow legal pad
which is my favourite and my bic pen
also fave fine tip
and I would take notes at the meetings
but to entertain myself I would give myself little challenges
like I’m gonna dot all of my i’s with hearts
or instead of using people’s names in the notes
I would write descriptions of them the way men write women in fiction
the sultry brunette in accounting took off her tortoiseshell glasses
took a sip from her coffee
she likes her coffee the way she likes her men
strong and extra large her cheeks flushed
pupils dilated she bit her bottom lip
Heaved her chest and asked
“what’s the budget for that?”