El Accidente on Netflix: A Gripping Tale of Tragedy, Blame, and the Dark Side of the Bouncy House Business

If you guys need something to watch,
I came across El Accidente or the accident on Netflix,
and it’s really good. So the story is,
there’s a birthday party. The children are playing in a bouncy house,
and it flies off. Three children do not survive.
One child is missing. And.
And you might be thinking, well,
you gave the whole story away.
No, this just unfolds a series of events.
Some of the parents are quite upset,
as anyone would be, and they’re trying to find somebody to blame.
They actually find a video and they do blame somebody,
and that’s just the start of the whole story.
But here they’re talking about how often this happens,
and it made me nervous at how much this happens.
According to them, 132 accidents worldwide.
So I don’t know about the bouncy house business,
but this series is making it hard for them.