Exciting Book Haul: Diving into Dystopia and Romance – Amazon Treasures Await!

What’s up with talk coming at you with a little Amazon book call? Nothing too crazy, but I am gonna have some really exciting book calls coming up in the future. I may have ordered some things from Waterstones and things I’ve been really wanting for a while. And I also did some pre orders on some special additions from them because I’m obsessed with their special editions and I grow math my way into it by saying that like I don’t have to pay for them until they’re published. So technically I didn’t spend any money yet. And then I also did a little order from book outlet. They’re doing their 599 fiction sale right now, I believe it is until the 24th or the 25th. So if you haven’t checked that out yet, definitely go check it out. They’ve got so many good books on that sale and a lot of really nice hard covers, papercaps, bags, whatever you’re into. Anyway, so let’s get into it. I’ve got this Amazon book call for you all. Start on. Let me invert. There we go. Starting off strong. I’ve got Fahrenheit 451 or 4,5,1, whatever you wanna. So I love this book. I’ve read it before. I own it. I super damage my coffee. I had a coffee incident on my way to work a little while ago and I had started the reread and I like thought that the coffee and did not I was like, oh it like didn’t get all over in my purse or my stuff. That’s great. I had this little like reusable shopping bag and with some stuff in it for work. And turns out this book was just sitting there soaking up all the coffee. So how to get myself in a copy.

If you haven’t read fair and I, 4,5,1, it’s like an oblique dystopian future. His job is to destroy like illegal commodities, which are printed books and like the homes that they’re hidden in. He’s never questioned like the world that they live in or like his wife or her television family. But he meets his eccentric young neighbor and she like introduces him to the past where people didn’t live in fear to a present and he starts to like see question everything and yeah, four and high four Fahrenheit 4,5,1.

We’ll love this book. Really excited to get into my reread of that. And then if you’ve been following along, I just read Happy Plays by Emily Henry. So I picked up a couple more of her books because I love her writing. I really enjoyed them. And honestly, I was starting to think I just like wasn’t really a romance girly. Because the after series did not do it for me. The Time Traveler’s Life was like not it for me. I enjoy what are some of the other romance books I read recently? Hold on. Nicholas Sparks is great, but I’m not like die hard for it. And like, I don’t know anyway, but I loved her writing. I love that book. So I’m gonna check out some of her other stuff I’ve got. And I like read a Nicholas Sparksbook and like that was good, but it wasn’t like I was dying for it. I don’t know. So anyway, loved Happy Place. Really excited to get into some of her other books. So I got this little like box set, little collection.

We’ve got book lovers nor is a cutthroat literary agent at the top of her game. Her whole life is books. Charlie is an editor worth a gift for creating bestsellers. And he is Nora’s work nemesis. Nora has been through enough breakups to know she’s the one mandate before finding there happily ever after to prevent another dating dud, Nora’s sister persuades her to swap her city desk for a month’s holiday in Sunshine Falls in a small town street out of a romance novel, but instead of meaning sexy lumberjacks, handsome doctors or cute bartenders, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie. She’s no and he’s no hero. So can they take a page out of an entirely different book? One summer, two rivals, a plot twist they definitely didn’t see coming. Next up, I’ve got beetread, two writers, one holiday, a ROM com waiting to happen. January is a hopeless romantic who narrates her life like she’s the lead in a blockbuster movie. Gus is a serious literary type who thinks true love is a fairy tale. But January and us have more in common than you think. They’re both broke. They have a crippling writer’s block, and they need to rate best sellers before summers end. The result, a bet to swap genres and see who gets published first. The risk in telling each other stories, their worlds might be changed entirely. And last but not least, people we meet on vacation, two best friends, 10 summer trips, their last chance to fall in love. This one really caught my attention.

12 summers ago, Poppy and Alex meet. They hate each other and they are pretty confident they’ll never speak again. Eleven summers ago, they’re forced to share a ride home from college. And by the end of it, a packed is formed every year, one vacation together.

Ten summers ago, Alex discovers his fear of flying. Poppy holds his hand the whole way. Seven summers ago, they got far too drunk and narrowly avoid getting matching tattoos in New Orleans Two summers ago. It all goes wrong. This summer, Alex Poppy asked Alex to join her on one last trip. Could this trip make them realize they’re not just friends after all? Anyway, super excited for my little book hall. Can’t wait to get into it. If you read them, let me know what you think. Let me know especially about these Emily Henry books. Like. Please, I, let me know what I should start with.