Battle on Shomaru Pass: The Tale of Takumi Fujiwara and the 86

Kenta’s information.
There should be no mistake
Takumi Fujiwara
Show Martone in Saitama
I’ll do a warrior battle
the last time i saw akina
Fujiwara is 86.
I didn’t get on enough.
but when it comes to battle,
it’s different.
New Engine’s 86
Take off the veil of secrecy
i can’t just stay still.
so am i.
but i have work to do.
yes, kenji.
Even if it’s just you
Turn sideways and go in the meantime
I’m a little younger too
If you want
i’m going to be proud of my work and fly away.
I’m home
what is it?
i’m in a hurry.
isn’t she a skillful girlfriend?
Part-time job interview
But I wonder if they’re doing it
μπρος μπρος
why are you here?
the other day,
there was a color.
you chose the battle here.
you guys wait here.
Why are you here in the morning
Trains and buses pass by.
What if our car
Like I’m not gonna come back
Even if it comes to a situation
we’ll be able to secure a minimum of moving legs.
Eta Takumi
no way.
are you going to shomaru pass?
you should stop there.
i’m not going anywhere else.
shut up, kazumi.
You don’t keep your mouth shut.
i’ll turn it down now.
Where we’re going now is
It’s narrow and disgustingly tricky.
i’ll pull the first one first.
To run for the first time
just in case something happens
Because I shouldn’t
Then change positions
Whether the leading is torn off or the trailing is pulled out
Let’s do it until it’s settled.
it’s an unlimited time deathmatch.
If the technique passes
Something else will decide the game.
Something else?
Luck or Stamina?
Compatible with the machine.
that’s the place.
then let’s go.
When you reach the target area,
flash the hazard
we’re going full throttle.
No way Takumi is
i knew you were there.
Shomaru Pass
it’s such an amazing place.
it’s an old ball movement.
Not that long,
Which attack?
Even if you climb at first
i’m going down from the middle.
You’re halfway up the climb.
that’s not all.
Because it’s narrow and the outlook is bad
there used to be a lot of accidents.
The guardrails are rusty and tattered.
Broadcasting is a wave.
Hit and slip
my brother had an accident there twice.
The source is bad.
That Run
There is no difficult place
Even though you said that
Takumi is running for the first time
It’s too dangerous
From here
let’s go.
it’s important from the first one.
Don’t crush the car.
Climbing up
This is
i’m sure you’re right.
Nice engine.
Even up
you can follow me.
don’t hesitate to let me go here too
Excuse me, sir.
be careful.
Me somewhere
i was wrong.
I finally noticed,
but i don’t know what to do.
Just like Takumi-kun for the time being
Try a part-time job
I will change
i’m sticking with 800 million
Old car.
So take the judgment as a reverse hand
Pleasure to corner the opponent
but this time it won’t work.
The same 86.
I can never lose
More than any other person I’ve ever met.
I feel the pressure suffocating
The aura oozing from your treno
i can see it.
is it okay?
in a place like this
Other galleries
There will be no place to decide
It’s so narrow
This is it,
this sudden
I’m dying to come with a bang
Old-fashioned self-conscious turbo
Hey, Keisuke-san
Fujiwara’s Tren and Akiyama’s Levin
Front mask and
The design of the lamp is different.
Same car, right?
then why are you running like that?
Is the ri different?
that means
to explain something like this
my brother is better.
Even if I understand it in my head
I’m not good at putting it into words
as kenta said
Both trena and levin
it’s like twins.
Those two are
the tuning approach
To be different
a completely different personality
I’m being reborn as a car
Lower-class machines such as turbines
Tuning that is not used
Call it mechatune
That’s Fujiwara’s Trueno.
The movement of the foot stepping on the accelerator
the engine’s going to spin.
A responsive budget is the biggest benefit.
At a speed close to the limit
Even after breaking into the corner
Fine adjustment from there if mechatune
Because it is possible
I can drive you further
So compared to the turbo
a drastic invasion is possible.
Treme of Fujiwara
Katchun is resistant to plunge
in contrast,
akiyama’s levin
Turbo Tuner Turbo Tuner Cornering
In the roundup of
Even if you give up one step
with the sharpness of linear acceleration
Take this amount
Turbo tune
Strong to stand up
Even though it’s
that levin’s bumpy run
The big turbo rug
Self-feeling turbo is
If you depress boost arts
I won until I stood up
He is
At the corner exit
Even if the machine is shaken
Do not return the accelerator
Just the counter.
I’m holding it down
that levin’s run that shakes the car body
To ride a quirky machine
It must be a technique learned in
do you understand, kenta?
The running of the pass is deep
as expected of Ryosuke-san
Really here
there’s no doubt about it.
I am
The Great
non – human
Awesome self-feeling turn
With the accelerator fully open
it’s like a mess.
Picking up the gap of Romen
I’m going up towards the day after tomorrow
When you get stuck in the pot
That’s horribly fast.
It’s like
Ignoring the theory.
it’s my first type of master.
We’re entering round two.
Let me take a closer look from behind
the ability you were told to lose
Difficult to run
what is this place?
At this point,
Only disadvantageous materials are available
I’ve never experienced it before
Tricky configuration
Levin’s shift that breaks the rhythm
but more than that
What Fujiwara feels is
A new machine.
I can’t make it completely my own
this is an invisible enemy.
The road condition is too bad.
The car goes wild
About 50 cm from the sixth form
Not usable at all
If you inadvertently put the sun on
Proceed very much
Stand up
If you put it on the outer guardrail
You’ll go with a bang
This road is
You can only use a width narrower than it looks
the setting of the underbody
It changes in balance with power
After changing the engine
You are
I can’t corner as I want
I have been saying that
Of course what
That one is
That’s how it’s set up
i was there.
by increasing the rotation
At an earlier level
i can control the bends.
Notice that
his real seal.
Release him.
What is this
Is it just my imagination