Unlocking the Secrets to Captivating Visual Content: 3 Tips to Boost Engagement

The exact reason why your brand’s content isn’t getting views.
And no, it’s not because of what fucking hashtags you’re using.
Let me show you an example.
Now let’s put it on mute.
It’s pretty boring, right?
This is because it’s not visually appealing.
People are visual learners,
which means if your video is boring on mute,
then it isn’t catching people’s eyes.
So here’s three things you can change right now.
First is change your video’s environment.
This can easily make a video look cleaner
and set the scene for the video.
Second is a visual hook. It can be something that’s satisfying
or something that makes you stop scrolling,
catch the viewer’s eye.
And last is don’t give the viewer too much to look at.
Adding long text
and constant jump cuts with scenes that don’t go together
gives the viewer too many things to look at, leading to.