Crafting Tutorial: How to Make Magic Circles for Crochet Pushies

Hi everyone. Today I’m going to be showing you how I make my magic circles for the inside of my pushies. So as you can see, there is no hole in the center of these. So I will be showing how to make it. So first, you’re gonna want to get your crochet hook that is an 8 millimeter. And what I like to use to cut my yarn is some fingernail covers. So you’re gonna take your yarn. I use this plushy blue one. You’re gonna want to take about a foot of it and put that to your right of your hands. So then you’re gonna turn your yarn and then you’re gonna wrap it around your finger two times, but it’s gonna like three from the front. You’re going to take that excess yarn and tuck it under your ring finger and hold it with your thumb. Take your crochet hook and go under the first two. Grab the third string and you’re gonna pull it through like that and twist up.

I’m gonna do that again one more time. So you can go ahead and see that if you had trouble doing it the first time, you’re gonna take your crochet hook, put it underneath the two yarns, grab it and pull it underneath like that.

Okay, and so then what you’re gonna do next is you’re gonna turn your fingers and you’re gonna grab that third yarn above, take it, I guess it stop. You’re gonna take it and you’re gonna pull it through just like that to make one of your loops.

Okay, I’m gonna do that one more time so you can see. I believe it was. Oh, I guess we’re not doing it a second time. Okay, so then you’re gonna take your loop and you’re gonna put it through two of your fingers and hold it with your pointer finger. You’re gonna do six single crochets. So you’re gonna go in, grab that yarn, pull it back through, you’re gonna have two loops this time on your crochet hook. You can grab that yarn and you’re gonna go ahead and pull it through just like that. And you’re gonna do that five more times. Go through, grab it, pull it through, and then you’re gonna wrap the yarn around it again and pull it through those two loops and do it again for the third time. Pull it through, wrap the yarn around and get it to those loops again. And you’re gonna repeat that two more times and we should be on the sixth loop right now.

So after your sixth loop, you’re gonna take one of these crochet hooks, it’s like a marker. You’re gonna put it in the loop that is on your crochet hook currently. So you know that you’re keeping track of where it goes. So go ahead and put that on. So just turn around and then you’re gonna hook it close. So that way the marker does not fall off. And then what you’re gonna do is there will be two loops in that string. At the end, you want to griply tie right there with your fingers so that way the crochets that we just did don’t come loose. You’re gonna grab that front loop right there that I just showed you and you’re gonna pull it. You might have to pull pretty hard because it, you know, it can be a little tough to do. And then you’re gonna pull it until that second loop is gone. So it might take a little bit to get to this point. Your yarn might break, so don’t refund it too hard. And then once that second loop is gone, you’re gonna pull it and then you have a loop that’s big, and then you’re gonna take that yarn that doesn’t have an end that has an end right there and you’re just gonna pull it to tighten up that loop. And as you can see, there is no more loops and to be shown.

So then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do one single crochet into our very first loop we did. And sometimes it can help to count back words from that loop that you have to find where your sixth one would be. You’re gonna go ahead and insert it all the way through. It can be a little hard.

So what I do is I take my hook and I kind of just hook into the crochet loop that I just did. You’re gonna turn around and you’re gonna loop the yarn around your hook like this. Make sure that one’s out of the way, because you can mix up the yarn sometimes. Pull the yarn through that loop and then you’re gonna turn around and wrap the yarn around again and pull it through. And that makes one single crochet. And then for the rest of them, you’re gonna do two single crochets. So for every loop you go into, gonna put your hook in to the next stitch, you’re gonna wrap the yarn around, pull it through like you did the last time, wrap it around. That’s one single crochet.

But what’s different this time is you’re gonna take your hook and go back through that same stitch you just went through to make a double crochet. So you’re gonna go in and this is how you will expand your magic circle to make it bigger so that way it can end up being wider and larger. So then you’ll just continue to go all the way around each crochet, make sure you’re going into each stitch and doing the two crochets in each one. So then that way it expands. And then you’re just gonna keep going around until you get to the purple marker and then you’re gonna take it, do your double stitches where the purple crochet marker is in. And then you’ll just replace it back when you finish those two and just keep doing double crochets. And then it will get to the point where it looks like this. Double crochets in every single one as you go around. And then if you wanna end up building up the sides, you can just switch back to single stitches. So instead of going in twice, just going once and it will build up the sides as you want it to go. And yeah.