9 Life-Changing Tips for Everyday Living That I Wish I Had Known Sooner

9 tips I regret not learning sooner.
When it comes to carrying your water bottles inside your bag
and preventing them from spilling and ending up getting dirty or wet.
Documents, money,
or other important things you have inside your bag,
you will do that. Here.
Take a hair clip, attach a safety fountain,
attach it to your bag and fit your bottle inside.
It won’t spill. This idea is very incredible,
and if you hadn’t told me before,
I would never have believed it.
To keep your nails always hydrated and keep them hard,
do this here. Put Vic Vapor Rub in all of them every day.
This tip is amazing. You’re going to get your own pad.
Even my neighbors ask me why my house is very smelly.
This is the trick I do
and it smells really nice in my bathroom for days,
so don’t even mention it. I took a pad.
I’m going to cut it here in three parts.
I will add the best smelling fabric softener that you have
and that you usually use. It can be any brand.
And you will put it here on top
or you can put it here on the inside of the absorbent.
I will put it here on top as it will moisten it.
Get really good at doing this,
your house will smell really good,
and you don’t even need to spend a lot of money
on those air fresheners.
Then you’ll choose the place you’re Going to put it.
I usually put it here in the wardrobe or in the drawer.
I also put it in my bathroom back here.
You can place this toilet box under the sink,
on top of your cabinet, in the trash can,
anywhere in your bathroom that is hidden.
It will make a huge difference,
and your house will always smell great.
Experts will understand what I’m going to do now.
I recently discovered this,
and it was the best discovery of my life.
We have always used absorbency incorrectly.
This way, I’m going to do it now is the correct way.
After I started using it like this,
I never used it any other way.
Try it out and tell me later.
Do you know what bay leaves are for?
This works great for you to put in those drawers in your closet.
This will prevent cockroaches and ants from happening again.
Just throw sugar on your mattress,
and it will shine like new.
I’m going to get a spray bottle,
a funnel, and I’m going to add sugar here.
It could be refined sugar.
I’m going to put three spoons,
guys. After I Learned this method,
I was surprised. Here you will use bleach.
Which brand? The brand you already normally use in your home.
I’m going to put here an amount that I think is good.
I didn’t measure. No,
I just put it. And it’s only these two mixtures that you’ll need.
If you have A yellow mattress
dirty with pee or something else that has stained it.
Just make this little mixture here.
I’m going to clean the mattress,
leave it for about 10 minutes,
and then you’ll see the magic happening.
This is simply wonderful.
And if you know another technique for cleaning a mattress,
leave it in the comments so our friends can know too.
My shoes went from ugly and dry to new and beautiful
after I discovered that if you put Vaseline all over your shoes,
it will keep them much better preserved.
They won’t crack and get an ugly color.
They will preserve them and always make them look beautiful.
Test it at your house and then tell me.
I live in Mariano, right?
So here we only use it in July or when there is a show like that.
So my boots were always ugly and dry
because they were stored for a long time.
So if you take the Vaseline and put it around your boot,
both on top and bottom, to also tear it off so as not to hurt you,
you can put a little Vaseline inside
which won’t hurt your toes.
And you. Did you already know any of these tips