Unfulfilled Dreams: A Bucket List Journey

But do you have any real sort of bucket list moments left,
or is it just in the act of doing it now?
There are places I’d like to go.
Love to go. I mean,
love to go to South America.
Um, I love to go to the Balkans.
Love to play Bosnia and Serbia and Albania. Um.
And, I mean, yeah,
there’s. There’s things like,
you know, I’d like to.
I’d like to. I mean,
I’m 28 now. I’d like to write a book of poetry.
Wow. I’ll publish a book of poetry before I’m 30.
And I, like.
I’m kind of thinking about the 30 marker now,
you know? Um.
And I need to learn how to fucking drive.
I’ve been saying it for years.
I don’t know how to drive, man.
Yeah. You know.
Do you? Yeah,
but, um,
I live in London, so I’m not really.
Do you think you’d be a good driver?
Do you got patience?
I think I’m. I think I’m quite conscientious,
you know, I think I’m quite aware of other people’s movements.
Yeah. Uh,
that sounds dodgy, but, uh.
I think. I think I,
uh. I’m embarrassingly good at getting out of people’s way,
you know? Yeah.
So I think I’d probably be a careful driver, but, uh.
Yeah, I think.
I think the act of learning,
that’s a different thing. Yeah. Altogether,
you know. Well,
if you find a car park, I can teach you the basics, man.
Thanks. Very Much? Yeah.
It has to be a fucking big one.