Innovation vs Tradition: The Controversy Surrounding Procreate’s Stance on AI and Intellectual Property

So procreate just took a stand against A I.
We’re not gonna be introducing any generative A I.
Into our products. Bold move,
but is it smart? Short term,
they’re gonna be rewarded,
but long term, it is risky.
Trying to save the past from the future
rarely works out for the gatekeepers.
And if you watch fresh minds creating their ideas using A I.
Without conceptions, it’s eye opening and incredibly encouraging.
Now, we do have an IP problem,
but not exactly the way you think.
Intellectual property should encourage innovation.
Constitutionally, that was the intent.
But through corporate and creative lobbying,
we take away earning potential from creators of new or derivative IP
and just give it all to the creators of pre existing IP.
This is not how you incentivize innovation.
But innovation is how we reduce suffering in the world.
Procreate sans on AI is popular right now,
but I predict they’re gonna have to reverse this stance
or eventually fall behind.
Better tools that improve your ability to create and earn.