Riding the Website: A Tale of Free Spins, Friends, and Unnecessary Rakes

I just went on a ride. I just went on a ride
and I didn’t even buy a ticket, okay?
I went on that website, all right?
By the time I was done with the website,
I had 96 free spins and I made 45 friends in text messages.
Welcome me, welcoming me.
Telling me how good it was to have me here,
telling me how happy they were to have me a part of this. Okay?
I was adding stuff to my car that I didn’t need it,
all right? I don’t need a Rake,
but I got a Rake, okay?
It was free. It was free. Okay?
Here I am, 97 spins later.
What do you got? A winter jacket for a toddler?
I don’t got a toddler, but it was free, okay?
It was free to do it right.
All I wanted was a shirt. One shirt.
And now I am in this rabbit hole.
Text messages keep coming.
Welcome me. They’re so happy to have me there.
They’re so happy to have me be a part of this establishment, okay?
Welcoming me, alright?
Asking me when my birthday is.
They wanna celebrate with me. Alright?
These are the people that you need in your life.
Alright? Here I am,
I’m adding stuff to the car.
I got five pairs of the same slippers.
Who cares? They’re free. I’m done with it.