Drama Unfolds: Love and Deceit in the Villa – A Recap of Relationships and Recouplings

You guys are not. Time is time for love lndb for me, Danny Moody, the only official DB thing is be watching on this app as per usual. How many? So let’s just get into. So we see Nicole and Karen having a conversation.

I don’t even know why this even extended into the third day because, yes, I understand the calls point in the moment. That’s a bit slimy. It’s like, why are you kind of like trying to embarrass me in front of your friends?

But honestly, that whole situation should have been debated that whole night. She should have given it a chance to explain. He’s apologized now. He probably would have apologized in the moment anyway. And he probably. He tried to apologize straight afterwards.

I just think she was kind of milking it a little bit. But I don’t really care. It’s not. I don’t care about them as a couple, but I just think they’re very like, and okay, cool weather. So they’ve made up. Now we can move on.

Harriet talks about Ronnie with the other girls and I’m just irritate because I’m just like, at the end of the day, yeah, you’re talking about some, the girls are trying to tell you are let him work for it. He doesn’t need to work for nothing. He doesn’t need to work for a single thing because at the end of the day, she’s gonna do all the work for him. She’s done bad for him. She’s obsessed with him.

She has very little self respect. And I love her. I really do. But it’s at the end of the day, my respect for you when you are continuously trying to pursue a man who would literally not even spit on you if you were in fire. It really affects it.

Like it really goes down because I’m just like, leave him because the minute that another bunch shell comes in, he’s gonna remind you that he wasn’t open. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he reignited the little trio between him and Jess. But speaking of Jess, like, I still don’t like it because you’re still weird. Because all this smoke that you have and all these feelings that you have is literally just because you’re mad that Ronnie is not, like, all over you right now. We’ll talk about.

I can’t believe he’s forgiven her for the things that she said. What? Cuz she called him an actor because that’s exactly what he is. And you know that. Do you get what I’m saying? You’re just mad that he’s not pining over you.

Now, she made a couple points about the fact that, you know, Harriet might probably be all over the man. But again, you’re, you don’t actually care about Harriet. You just are irritated that Ronnie’s not coming back to your way. We see Grace and Connor talk, and I just think it’s hilarious, knowing the type of person that Grace is. Like this is her manner, this is who she wants.

But the type of person graces is that she will instigate flirtatious conversations, then she will run back to Joe and some, I don’t actually know why they’re speaking to me. Like, I don’t get it. She wants that she’s talking for Connor, planning her escape, but then show free rocks and hide her hands. I will not lie. Shawn’s happiness is no longer my concern.

It’s not my priority. I don’t care about it. I don’t mind Matilda, but if it’s a vote to get people out, she’s collateral damage. I’m so sorry. And also, thirdly, I don’t even know why Harriet and Jess were even having a conversation about Ronnie, because at the end of the day.

Yeah, you were both coming for him, one slightly less than the other. But you guys don’t care about each other. He doesn’t like each other. Just is trying to give us some advice, secretly trying to shade her, basically saying, oh, like, cool, but he’s not gonna last. So Jess, you know that if another bombshell came in, he would be moving crazy. So why do you wanna go back to him as well?

Because you know that you do, but you just think that somehow, some way you could be above it when you were never above it in the first place. If, when you went back to you and another bombshell came in, you know, that he would jump ship to. You’re just like Gassta. At least it was happening to Harriet more than it happen to you. Okay, then we have a recoupling.

Yeah, obviously metal depiction irrelevant. Connor picks Grays. And I thought that was hilarious because No. 1, the scattered collapse, the, the, you know, the laughing from Jess. I don’t even like Jess, but that was hilarious because my thing is Grace is looking all confused, all shot, shaking her head like she isn’t secretly gassed, like she didn’t orchestrate this moment.

I know Joey is fuming by the end of the day, I don’t care because I don’t like him. But in general, I don’t wanna see recouplings. I wanna see mass dumplings. I wanna see more bombshells that are actually decent, normal human beings. I want to see less evenness and less desperations.

I don’t care about recouplings right now. So we carry on with the recoupling. Why is I was smiling so much from this speech isn’t even about you lose our second of all.

Now Cole talks about this, her little struggle love that she has with Kiran. It’s not gonna last. They’re all weird.

She actually believes that Ronnie is a changeman. She actually believes that somehow, some way, he is going to be her night and shining armor, when really she’s just dumb. And I love Harriet, but she’s dumb.

We then move on to Mimi and Io speech. And Io couldn’t even crack a smile until at the end when he was laughing. And I found that funny cuz I was just like, you were smiling more in a speech that wasn’t even about you with your ex frame, you think, I can’t see this speech.

Jess’s speech was literally about Ronnie. You see my thing about Jessie? She acts like she’s so much better than Harriet. She acts like, oh, she could never be obsessed with Ronnie the way that Harriet is. Your whole speech was about him.

Ever since Ronnie dropped her, every single speech has been about Ronnie. Every single conversation has been about Ronnie. Every single connection she hasn’t been able to form one because she’s so obsessed with Ronnie. She get I’m saying. So anyway, we continue. Okay, the debrief, I mean the recoupling is done now.

Connor and Jerry talk. My thing is, yeah, Grace is acting so confused. So like, oh, I don’t understand why I got picked. I don’t know when you literally open the door, she’s gonna keep this up for about a day, maybe a day and a half, then lean into it and it’s just like, you’re weird, like you’re a liar. You’re being weird. You’re twisting the truth. And I don’t like. I did find it funny that Jess finally admits that she wanted Ronnie and that she would have picked Ronnie. And that whole nonsense about closure was just because she wants Ronnie. If. I’m glad, babe, that you’re finally leaving this delusion.

Nicole and Karen have a conversation about body counts here. Whilst 120 at 21 is crazy, at the same time, it’s like it it is what you gonna do by it. Don’t ask questions that you don’t want the answer to. Okay, cool. So Harriet and Ronnie going on a date is not actually what I want to see if I’m being on it. We then see Connor, Shawn and Aya, right? And they’re having a conversation about the whole Connor picking Grace thing. Connor is asking the right questions because if Grace and Joey are so in love, so have a connection, blah, blah, No. 1, why is she not his girlfriend yet? You can’t say it’s too early because you guys have this extensive mad history. And No. 2, if you didn’t work on the outside, why do you things come back in here? You got the same. But Sean is definitely gonna say that conversation as soon as he gets a chance.

Now we go back to Ronnie and Harriet’s day. And personally, I do still hate Ronnie. I do still trust him as far as I can throw him. And right now, you know, I don’t trust him to be loyal to Harriet until maybe another bombshell comes in or in there CA or there in Castle. However, right, if I join Harriet’s side, yeah, and I drink the Kool Aid that Ronnie was sipping, I mean, pouring for her, then, okay, cool.

I can understand why Harriet would be feeling nice about the date cuz he said all the right things. Obviously, we just need to see if the actions match up. And in my opinion, they will not.

But for now, if Harriet loves it, I like it. I guess not. Nicole, you’re 24 and you need content reassurance. I need you to actually get a grip. Anyway, Ronnie and Harriet come back from their date. They’re in pretty good spirits. You know, as much as Ronnie is a demon, and I still don’t trust him, for now he’s not done anything wrong. So I’m going to live in a bit of delusion because what Jess is not gonna do is continue to be a nasty, mean spirit ago. And this is why the just down for league is up and this is why the just down for league will remain up until she leaves the Villa.

Now, Jess clocks the fact that they weren’t even holding hands. She’s so obsessed and it’s so scary to get. I’m saying we do a quick side, like, you know, side note to Sean and Matilda. They finally have their kids. Sean is like a walking IC because you’ve then gone are unreal. And then you go and shout it from the rooftops. Well, guys, I got my first kiss. Like, weird. So then. Cool.

After Sean shows us why he’s been single for the first two weeks of the villa, Jess decides she wants to pull Ronnie for a conversation. Why? So she pulls Ronnie for a conversation cuz she doesn’t respect Harriet. She doesn’t see Harriet as her equal. In her opinion, Ronnie is still fair game because it’s just Harriet after all. Right. So she tries to have a conversation with him about some. I wanted you and I still do like you. And this man rejected her as quickly as he could. So they go, they talk about the fact that, you know, they’ve not really had a conversation ever since, just try to couple up with Shawn out of spite cuz, you know, she was, she thought she was standing on business. And even then she said, I mean, I didn’t know cuz I didn’t like you actually. Do you still really like you? Sure. I mean, Ronnie, and I’m not even here to defend Ronnie. You guys know how I feel about him. But this man said, look, yeah, at the time, if you picked me, it could have been different. Those were his was. It could have been different, but I don’t really feel anything for you anymore. I like Harriet. I wish you were the best. He said, you don’t deserve me. When a man says you don’t deserve me, you don’t fight him on that. He’s warning you. And this girl, she said no, but that’s not for you to decide. This man quite literally rejected you. And you said, no, please, Ronnie, don’t go. He literally said, I feel nothing for you, multiple times. It was like, I just don’t feel that. I don’t feel that way for you anymore. I’m sorry, but I wish you all the best.

Jess takes it. She says, okay, cool. But instead of just taking it, she says, if I can’t have Ronnie, I cannot allow Ronnie and Harriet to be happy. No, because when she goes over to the girls, she decides to twist the story. And she says, well, Ronnie basically told me that if I had picked him, you know, that time, it would have been, he would have been 100% for me. And I’m listening to this conversation, I’m like, Jess, don’t leave out the part where he basically said he feels nothing for you. He feels absolutely nothing for you and he doesn’t wanna be with you.

And this is why the Just Downfall League will continue to be up anyway. Understand that. A debrief.