Selfless Acts of Kindness: Patrick Stephenson’s Journey of Hope and Strength

Patrick Stephenson turns 14 next week,
just beginning his freshman year of high school.
A busy time.
Not to mention he’s also battling a rare genetic form of cancer.
He spent several weeks in the hospital this summer.
The illness serious enough that
make A wish offered to grant a wish for him.
But Patrick turned it down,
instead offering it to another kid in the pediatric cancer ward.
I believe in that if you give someone something,
that you’ll receive something back.
And I like to be a really good person and kind.
The illness has taken a toll on Stevenson’s family.
His father suffers from the same genetic illness.
They say they’re proud of him,
but not surprised. That’s just his nature.
Um, he’s just a very good person, um,
a very good teammate, and he always thinks of others.
Patrick is part of the Project Fire Buddies organization,
which helps kids going through serious illnesses,
offering them support and encouragement.
He is going through so much, um,
and. And to receive a make A wish and then offer it to somebody else
when you only get one, that is something that is truly selfless.
Patrick happens to be a big fan of country singer Luke Bryan,
so the organization reached out to Ramlin Ray Stevens from WLS Radio
to help arrange a surprise meet and greet with the singer
before his concert Sunday in Chicago.
He gives up his make A wish to a.
To a kid. Next door to him on.
On the oncology floor. It’s like,
when they. When they asked me if I could help with this,
I was like, are you kidding me?
Patrick says he’s not giving this one away,
though he’s not sure what he’ll say to the singer.
I don’t know. I’m gonna be a little nervous.
I think Patrick still has a lot of challenges ahead.
A major surgery scheduled for next month.
But he’ll have warm memories of meeting Luke Bryan.
To carry him to that point.