Bright Adventures in Svalbard: A Day with Pete’s Trip Contest Winners

Today is a very exciting day.
It’s me, Cecilia,
on Svalbard and island close to the North Pole.
And today
I get to welcome the winners of the Pete’s Trip contest to Svalbard.
So this morning, the first thing I did was head into town to the harbor
to meet Jordan and Corey.
We are spending the whole day together exploring Svalbard,
and the best way to do so in the summer is out on the fjord.
So that is the first thing we’re doing today.
This is the Borge Glacier,
and just look at the color of that ice.
It may be raining a little bit,
but with views this beautiful and company this good,
it doesn’t matter. And of course,
we have tons of Pete’s coffee,
which is just delicious.
We are celebrating the launch of Pete’s Bright collection,
and what better place to do so than in the brightest place on earth?
When we came back to the village,
it had stopped raining,
so we met up with Christopher and grim at the polar bear sign.
Just look at how beautiful it is.
After a full day of exploring,
nothing tops it off better than sitting down for a delicious dinner.
So the last stop for the day was a five course meal at guruvilagret,
one of the coziest locations in town.
It was a wonderful ending to an incredible day.
So thank you to Jordan and Corey
and to Pete’s for this unforgettable day.
Love you guys. Bye