iPhone Sweet 16 Unveiled: A Closer Look at the Latest Features and Upgrades

I have something for you today
that’s gonna change the way you use your iPhone device.
And I hope so. I present to you,
iPhone Sweet 16. Yeah!
You deserve to be here. Yes,
you do. Come on.
No, no, no, no, bro.
That’s the same nigga from last year.
What up, 14? Bro,
we got the same shirt on. What up, fifteen?
Oh, my god.
He answered the both names.
Nope, bro,
I’m 16. You see?
Say it up there. Say 16. Right.
Y’all got the same shirt on.
Okay, okay.
But do you see the difference?
You even walked in the same room.
Go on, tell him.
Big one. Six.
You don’t see this big button right here?
Yeah, man,
I’m not gonna lie. I appreciate that.
The basketball. Oh, yeah,
you got it. What?
Well, the actual button is touch sensitive.
it actually makes it feel like you’re recording with a DSLR or like a.
Or like a camera of that sort.
Now, do you see the benefits?
I’m be honest, y’all.
I don’t think the 16 did enough to make me wanna get it, bro.
I mean, the capture button, cool,
don’t get me wrong.
But just a faster processor and a better camera sound.
What y’all think, y’all let me know in the comment section.