Unusual Essentials: A Quirky Collection of Items Packed by Alex Jelly and Jake Maxwell

I’m Alex Jelly. And I brought my gaming chair,
so I brought these heart sunglasses,
and I put them on my lamp,
so now my lamp has heart sunglasses on them.
Weirdest thing I packed with me, uh,
baby powder. I don’t know,
like six stuffed animals. My name is Jake Maxwell,
and I brought some boots,
two skateboards, and three speakers.
Yeah, a little speaker right there and an amp amplifier.
I just, like,
put this up in the window,
sit there, jam out my guitar.
I might play my guitar later at dinner. I’m really excited.
I’m gonna show a lot of people my talents.
I brought a fishing pole. I brought a little duck that lights up,
and he kind of just sits on my desk.
Um, yeah,
this is just a huge rubber duck.
I don’t know why I have it,
but it matches my room, so it’s here.
I brought a, like,
galaxy print Wolf shirt, cause Alpha.
A pillow of my cat, my dog
pillow with my dog’s face on it.
Probably blue light glasses.
I have this AJR poster for my concerts.
My tub of Aquaphor that I’ve had for two years now
still hasn’t made a dent.
I packed Aquaphor, but I don’t think that’s that crazy, though.
Yeah. This one right here.