Adventures in Grand Rapids: Music Festivals, Fried Chicken, and Unexpected Hair Woes

Hello. My hair looks so bad. It’s so greasy. I literally washed it, too. So I just didn’t bring, well, okay, I didn’t wash it. Let me rephrase. I got it rinsed and put more conditioner in it because I don’t have shampoo, because I don’t usually shampoo my hair more than once a week. So I really didn’t anticipate needing it so bad at forest, but I really should have brought it. So anyway, my voice is kind of coming back. Not really. I’m in Grand Rapids. I just ate at Hancock. Super good if you’re here. Fried chicken. And I like a frozen drink that has no alcohol in it, but they have a lot with alcohol in it. If that’s your thing. You know, I was just missing my slushy bars in Vegas, I guess I needed to come out here and have more.

But even though my legs are so sore and I have been walking like 27,000 miles a day, not even exaggerating, like 26 miles day. I’ve decided to walk like two miles to the park for a concert. Don’t ask me why my , like not my shins, but like, what is like this part of your leg right here? This part, this. So someone just yell at me. Welcome to being a girl on the road. But that muscle really hurts, so I probably shouldn’t be walking, considering I have to dance in heels all week.

But we are walking. So yeah, kilo neighborhood. And anyway, I was gonna answer this question real quick, cuz I guess maybe I was unclear and you might be seeing this and being like, what the hell? But for like a larger events like music festivals and like when I use spartan races and probably like venue events and other things, if there’s lightning within like a wanna say 10 mile radius, it might even be less like five miles, then you have to shut down the first because it’s unsafe. So they’re always monitoring. It has to do with like the tall stages they could fall on people, they could get hit by lightning, blah, blah, blah. So we would have to evacuate the venue and shelter in our vehicles. So this has happened to me at a bunch shows before, like Sonic Bloom, Bernie Man wasn’t really the same vibe. It really tells to shelter, but they like did cuz you couldn’t really move. It wasn’t safe to be like riding your bike and stuff. But yeah, like Sonic Bloom when I worked in 2022, we had to keep shutting the venue down over and over again and music had to be pushed and all that kind of stuff. So that’s what happened here on Friday. No s, Saturday. Now my days are all mixed up. Hold on. So Saturday, no music. It got messed up in the morning and it got messed up at night. We were all sheltering. And then yesterday from 11:00 to 12:30, we were sheltering and then they ultimately decided to not reopen. So like music was supposed to go to like 3:15. So they cut like two sets but those sets were sets that were pushed from the day before and like already readjusted. So yeah, it was a mess and basically it just was canceled early. So hopefully that answers your question. This was a way longer video than it should have been. And okay, baby.