Miraculous Baby 7: Thriving in the Great Outdoors with Sunshine Treatments and Orthotics Adjustments

I think it’s time for a baby 7 update
and doesn’t he look so handsome with his sunglasses on his head like his mama
with his little halter on
they’ve actually been working with him um
with a little like
pressure and release with his halter
getting him to lead because I don’t know if you notice
but the background is outside
so Baby 7 has been extending his walkabouts to the outdoors
little recap for those that don’t know who Baby 7 is
he is a micro preemie full born at 286 days gestation
which is two months early
it’s a month before regular full viability
uh he is quite literally a miracle
he is six months into life um
which is just insane and he is now doing physical therapy
and you know there’s
there’s so much that has gone into this
so much that we can look back on and say like oh
hindsight should have done this
should have done that but we’re doing the best we can
and so he is at the university of Tennessee Knoxville
and they are giving him some incredible care
and we have had nothing but good news for the past couple of weeks
so I’m going to let Doctor Ursini tell you all about 7 this past week
and show you his his new little
little play area so
weekly update for 7 coming this week from outside
uh so the biggest updates this week uh
started adding vitamin d
sunshine treatments with the weather being just so beautiful
not being so god awful hot here in East Tennessee
uh we are learning how to eat grass like a horse
um he especially loves Clover
and he’s not a fan of the bugs
but we’re we’re good with that
we’re learning what bugs are
little tail switch um
so we’re starting to um
emulate better uh
we’re taking away portions of his orthotics
as he doesn’t need that support anymore
so main main structures we’re still trying to help are the left hand fetlock
and then both of his carppi
um are the the main sections we’re worried about now
the other main update uh
to have is that he is doing all of this with zero pain meds
so we have been able to wean him off of of all of the pain meds postoperatively
he’s happy as a clam cruising around on his walkabouts again um
some of the comments from last week on his string test
or just wanted to to address is for his adjusted age
so what is his actual age versus adjusted age
we don’t typically look at adjusted age in animals
um again
a lot of the milestones developmental milestones in humans
are based on speech and walking and feeding and grasping things
and you know
horses and animals do that pretty quickly right off the bat
so in general even the preemies do catch up to their peers pretty quickly
um and we
we just don’t appreciate a
a adjusted age um
but you know
you’re totally right as far as growth
um that was just a fun exercise to have and
and we’ll we’ll check his string test going forward
but he’s overall um
super happy uh
loves being outside loves that his best friend Zoe is back
um and yeah
we’re just chugging along
so I’m so happy I got to give y’all a happy update
keep on praying for baby 7
and stay tuned for more updates