Bookish Frustration: The Epic Saga of Target and the Quest for Illustrated Covers

Hey, guys. I’m so sorry. I look a hot mess, but I just had to get something off my chest. So I have been reading El Kennedy’s backlog, and I have been falling in love with her books all over again. But now that she came out with the illustrated covers, which I know that came out a while back, and I just started collect Vietnam.

I’ve been wanting the initiative covers of Off Campus series and where are you? So I do have all of the Off Campus series, but I have been having trouble finding Libra you. Because I didn’t get them immediately when they came out. So finally, when target had the buy one, get one 50% off, I notice that they were not in the store, but they were online. So I order them and the first time they came, they sent me all four books together, but it was the wrong covers. It was the original covers. And so I called them and I was like, look guys, I, if you look on my order, I ordered the illustrated covers and they said, oh yes, we did send you the wrong ones. Can you please take them back? And I was like, sure. So I took them back and they said, we’re gonna do an even exchange. So they did this. They were gonna do it. But this time when I was getting them, they were gonna come in separate packages, separate days. They were gonna come in separate days. And so when I got the first one, they sent me the wrong cover again. And I called back and I was like, look, I don’t know what the other ones are that you’re gonna send me, but this one is wrong. This one that you sent me was wrong. They said, okay, look, we can send you out. We’re gonna go ahead and keep that one. We’re gonna send you out another one, the correct one. And I was like, okay, but I’m tell, I was like, I really didn’t want to. I was like, no, I can take it back. And they’re like, no, just keep it. It’s our fault. You’re like, we’re gonna send you the illustrated cover.

And I was like, okay, but I still have more coming out on Wednesday. They’re like, if it’s wrong, just give us a call. Okay, so here’s this one. And so when I got the rest of the order, they sent me the wrong ones again. They sent, well, they sent me the correct ones on the dare and the wrist. So super excited when I open these and I was like, yeah, I got two of them. And then when I open the next order, they sent me this and then they sent me this. And then these aren’t even like, this is the mat, soft mat, and this is the glossy, like they’re not even the correct size. And I was like, no, well, I don’t think this is the original, right? So I was like, no, this is not the covers I wanted. They were like, okay, okay, we will send you the correct one.

I was like, come on, target. I was like, can you send a message to the in to the warehouse wherever these are being pulled and tell them to please make sure they send me the illustrated covers.

They were like, we made notes and, you know, don’t worry, this won’t happen again. We’re so sorry. But they had to do all this because it was past. It was no longer the violent get 150. So they had to do it, you know, return the money that I paid and then I had to repay. And supposedly it was gonna come out the same. It doesn’t come out the same, but I didn’t care. I wanted the books. So then I got, today I got the order again. Target, you have failed me again. This is four times now. So I just, I gave up. I was like, that’s it. I can’t. Because every time I call them, they’re like, we don’t want the books that keep them. I’m like, look, I’m not trying to get keep free books. Like I just want what I paid for. I want what I ordered. And I was like, I feel awful. So pretty, if I keep going, you guys are gonna send me your whole freaking inventory. And I was like, no, just refund my money. But gosh guys, like I just want, and everywhere I look, Barnes and noble, Amazon, they’re only selling it in the pack, like the four books together. They’re not selling books 1 and 3 separate. Does anybody know where I can get these separately? Doesn’t have to be the straight edges. I just want the covers. How target, you have failed me and I love target.