The Birth of the Rover: A Prequel Storyline

The idea of the video is that the character of the rover is sort of
with the band. As we get down to Mexico City,
he’s sort of like just a hipster bro.
Um, I guess in the video,
we wind up setting it up that he’s sort of like
a live musician with us. But we have a falling out,
and he kind of get. He gets kicked out of our van,
and he gets rescued by this group of kids,
and then they take him to a shaman,
and he has his own spiritual awakening.
So he’s already a kid that’s sort of like, unhinged.
But the. The general idea,
the broad idea is that it’s the prequel to the birth of the character
that would then be showcased in the song.
So this is what Lee.
This is what happens before the guy becomes a cult leader.
And his song about in the rover.
So it’s like the birth of the rover.
It’s what the video had became.
It’s this, the storyline of how he came to be.
Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah.