The Allure of 17 Sexy Doors: An Existential Journey through Everyday Objects

So I play 17 doors, and they.
Everything. I play Dorian, uh,
the doors of the house. There are a hundred things,
I think, you can date in the house,
including the game itself.
I think it’s gonna kind of ask a lot of existential questions
about how attractive you can find
a washer dryer. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had recording a video game.
Because they gave each of us this freedom to kind of express ourselves
in a way. And they went,
you know what? Make this very sexy door your own.
In fact, make 17 sexy doors your own.
How do you get inside the mind of a door?
You stare at a door. You stroke a door.
You hold yourself up against the door.
You feel it. Um.
You just hum against the door.
Yeah. It’s a fun,
stupid experience. If you don’t wanna date me,
you can date anything else.
I will. The fridge,
the TV. I’ll date whatever I need to.