Protecting Yourself from Scammers: A Guide to Spotting Fake Money in Bars

I’m here to tell you guys about how a scammer may try to get you
as a customer to use their fake money at a bar
do you see these 200 dollar bills
this one is the real hundred dollar Bill
this one is not you can buy these off of Amazon
it says for motion picture purposes
they do feel a little different
and they thirst lightly a different colour
but when it’s dark and you’re bartending and you’re taking cash quickly
the bartender may not notice
it is not illegal to possess fake money
but it is illegal to try to use it as currency
if the bartender catches it
that person is prepared to Irish goodbye and leave
because they’re not gonna stick around
in case that bartender decides to call the police
I have had to pay back money to a bar that I used to work at
because I accepted a fake hundred dollar Bill
so a scammer may go into a bar and they may pretend to be uh
busy talking to somebody being catching up with somebody
into a game whatever it is
and they look at somebody and they’re like hey
I’ll buy you a drink if you take this up to the bar
get whatever you want I would also like a whatever
a Miller Lite you can tip and then bring me back the change
yeah some other way that they will do it maybe
is they might drop it on the ground
and then look at the person next to them and be like hey
I think you just dropped some money
and that person may look down and be like
well it’s not mine
but I’ll spend it you know
and then hey
well since I was looking out
and I actually spotted it first
would you mind buying me a drink
yeah this is why I Mark all of my hundred dollar bills
every single one I’m not
mmm mmm