Magical Realism Book Recommendations: The Second Chance Year and This Spells Love

The Seven Year Slip is one of my favourite books
so far of the 2024 year.
And I’ve got two book recs for you that have that same sort of vibe.
They’re, like,
feel good books
and also have a little bit of that magical realism element.
So let me introduce you to them
because I know so many people also love this book,
and I love to recommend books that give me that same sort of feeling
when I read a book that I really,
really love.
So the first book Rec is The Second Chance Year by Melissa Weisner.
Again, that magical realism element
where she has a really terrible year
and she gets this opportunity to make a wish to repeat that year,
essentially. So, again,
obviously unrealistic,
but sometimes it’s just fun to read something that we,
we know is fiction. Um,
and it just has, like,
that very, like,
magical, feel good feeling to it.
And the second book is This Spells Love by Kate Rob.
I just finished this and I was like, okay,
this feels so much like the seven year slip,
I need to tell people about it.
This is a newer book, it came out, like,
November of last year. But let me just read you, like,
this little burp here and you’ll.
You’ll understand. A young woman tries to heal her heartbreak
by casting a spell to erase her ex from her past,
but wakes up in an alternate reality.
In which she’s lost more than she’s wished for.
In this witty, whimsical friends to lovers debut.
It was so cute, so good,
and the same sort of vibes.
So I would love to hear if you also love the 7 year slip,
if you’ve read either of these books.
Because you’re gonna wanna add them to your T B R