The Invisible Boy: Empowering Affirmations and Stories for Young Minds by Jamar Murray

Okay, look,
this is one of my special friends.
This is a gentleman
who has been creating opportunity for artists and small businesses
to put on for themselves since about what, 2015?
It’s been about 10 years. Coming on the scene,
throwing a bit for artists.
One of my near and dear friends,
he’s also an educator,
so he’s involved in a lot of kids lives just like you guys.
And he’s involved to change lives.
Okay, so please make some noise for Mr. Jamar Murray.
Thank you. Thank you.
Can I make some noise for legend?
Yeah! Yeah.
That amazing introduction,
I greatly appreciate it. I’m gonna be reading to you guys
and talking to you guys about this book that I wrote
called The Invisible Boy. I have my table set up right over there.
Um, I’m gonna be giving away some free copies
if you guys remember some of the things that I asked you about
for the book. All right?
So if you’re trying to get a free copy of the book,
make some noise one time. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
The book is called The Invisible Boy.
Can I hear I say the Invisible Boy?
The Invisible Boy. All together one time.
Can I hear I say the invisible boy?
The invisible boy. Alright, cool.
Do any of you know what is a affirmation?
What is a affirmation?
Anybody? What’s up?
When you, um,
you know, you affirm yourself and speak positive things.
Yes. So an affirmation,
it has the root word of firm.
So when we do an affirmation,
we are affirming something.
We are speaking positively into ourselves
and speaking positively over our lives.
Can I do an affirmation with you guys real quick?
Yeah. I said,
can I do an affirmation with you guys real quick? Yeah.
Alright, so I need you guys to repeat after me,
because this is how the book starts off.
And I start off my class like this
every single day, the same exact way.
So we’re gonna start off this session like this.
Is that cool? Yeah. Yeah.
Are you guys gonna repeat after me?
Yeah. Now, look,
when you say affirmation, you gotta say it like you mean it, okay?
You can’t just say,
I’m gonna be strong.
You gotta say it like you mean it.
Like, hey,
I’m gonna be strong today.
Okay? Okay.
I repeat after me. Today is a new day.
Today is a new day. Today is a good day.
Today is a good day. I will be strong.
I will be strong. I will be bold.
I will be bold. I will be great.
I will be great. Forgive ourselves.
Forgive ourselves of the air.
Yesterday are the days of yesterday.
And remember. And remember.
We can handle everything that’s on our plate.
We can handle everything that’s on our plate.
Can y’all clap for yourselves one time?
Yeah! Yeah!
The invisible boy by Jamar Moraine is now available.
For purchase on Amazon, please purchase your copy today.