Surprise Trip to the Georgia Aquarium: A 15-Hour Journey of Adventure and Excitement

Oh, look at me.
I look so rough. Oh,
my gosh.
This is what you look like after you’ve been traveling for 15 hours.
Why are you traveling for 15 hours,
you might ask. Well,
Ariel said the other day
there’s anything she could do before she goes back to school.
She would go to the Georgia Aquarium,
like, just as a joke.
Her dad and I talked. She had been doing so good this summer,
her camps with the high school,
um, volunteering,
just. Just such a good kid all summer.
So we decided we’re gonna make that happen.
So we drove all day. Now we’re in Pigeon Forge,
Tennessee, tonight.
Tomorrow, we’re gonna drive the other four hours to Atlanta.
She’s down, enjoying the pool.
She has no idea that we’re taking her to the Georgia Aquarium.
It’s been her dream to seal a whale,
a sea, a whale shark,
and they’re one of the only places that has it. So,
um, maybe we’ll just drive there.
It took her a while today.
She had no idea where you were coming till this morning.
She thought she was volunteering at a church. VBS. So
I’m excited for the morning.
Oh, I’m gonna be.
Make use of the pool a little bit.
Take a shower. Man,
what a day. See you in the morning with big surprise.