Empower Yourself: Navigating the Visa Application Process Independently

Hi guys, I keep receiving so many messages from some of you asking me to help with your visa application, even though I’ve told you guys countless time that are not a visa agent, I’m gonna explain how to get a visa for the last time. So open your ears, believe in yourself, take control of your life, and get the visa you wanna get. Nobody in this world was trained to become a visa agent. There is no university in this world that teaches people how to get visas is a very simple and stressless process that you can do from the comfort of your own bed without telling anyone.

Why do you guys make this visa issue become like is a whole topic? It’s not that difficult. Don’t come to my DMS asking me to help. You know, I don’t wanna get involved in that. I’ve helped so many people with that visa applications and so many of them got their visas. Some came out thanking me, tagging me for their visas. Some blocked me and refused to give the balance, but that’s fine. I moved on from that. I don’t wanna be in that space anymore. I don’t wanna have anything to do with your application. It’s none of my business.

I know some people find it as an opportunity to s come from you, but that is not me. I would never become one. Because sometimes you do these visa applications, some of you, I don’t know what happens with your document. Maybe they won’t even give the visa. And then you start looking at the person like they’re a very bad person. Like they, you understand, I don’t want that drama. I don’t want it.

So this is how it works. If you want to travel abroad, you have to put yourself down and ask your questions. What visa category do I belong in? Like, what visa, what type of visa do you think you deserve? The different types of visas that the most common ones are tourist visa, the work visa, the student visa, and marriage base visa. Yeah, those are the most common types of visas.

Okay, now, among these four types, what category do you think the embassy will confidently give you a visa for? Maybe you’re a student you’re thinking about apply for a student visa because you cannot go applying for a tourist visa where you’ve never visited even the country closest to you and you expect the embassy to give you a visa. Donald supriyono com bakso daun give you.

Depok survei turis visa is to go and visit and comeback. Populis dan visa is to go and study and the back your community of country. Is not the content non imigran visa. Okey your student your story upload oke. Go on the internet right now the control of your life. You can do it yourself. Orang akan duduk duduk sesuai covid and quot, brave. Fokus putusnya dan foto deh susah media wah ladies gue open dan. Yourself, tell yourself, this is my life. This is my own time to make it big. You’ve been complain this person has not done anything in. What have you done? Do something now do something with life is opositif go on Google boneka country on story in and say universities in this country.

Universities in Germany or if you don’t have enough money, apply for scholarships. There are so many school, you don’t have to be the best student in class to qualify for a scholarship abroad. There are so many different types of scholarships, some of you just don’t wanna stress. You don’t wanna read. That’s why you believe you cannot get a visa. No one has been trained to become a visa agent. No university in the world trains people to become visa agent. You can do it yourself. Some of these agents, you go and give money to, they didn’t even get to your level of education. But you trust them with your future, something you can do at the comfort of your own bed.

Universities in Canada, the universities who pop up. Click enter the university, go on the website, you see a university, normally you have it on Google, click on the way they say website, go on our website, you see a mission deadlines, you see a mission requirements, you see and the location of the university. You read the reviews, always read reviews when you open a particular university. For instance, Havat University, if you go and type Havat University in, is it Boston, Massachuset? You see Havat University go on where they say reviews, read those reviews are what students that studied in that school or people who work in that school said about the institution. Go and read through them. People, if in some school, people say never go to this school. A school is a scam. They will not help you with your visa. Never understand. Go and read what orders who’ve been to that school said about the school. When you read it and you have satisfactory reviews, now proceed to the website.

If you like the school, you go through their programs. What did you study? Usually most universities will give you admission if you’re going for a postgraduate program. If your undergraduate program matches with your intended postgraduate study.

Yeah, sometimes you can, you know, be from a different background and then you get a mission in a completely different. Bahkan saya buat ini muski sih. Especially your. In you. Yg College of you can not study English language. You apply. Yup, thanks combines the next in America is possible because Amerika. And it’s nurses, it’s possible to become a history student in America. And you apply and get admission into a nursing school in America. It’s possible. There are so many Africans in America who are engineers today, computer engineers, software engineers. But in Africa, they could not even solve the simplest X. They could not find the easiest egg X. Only America gives that luxury, that opportunities for people to study whatever they want. Europe is not possible. It’s very difficult. So find something that match your previous educational background. Apply before you apply, you go on another. Website, scroll down to the bottom is why the call contact the use. The email is best to send email. Gopi dan emil puyuh kopi dan i go now your email account and compos new email on the point you tube. Information about request for information about admission in this ternyata university. Application for AM. Into this university, request for this information, request for anything. After that, you go down DSA, Madam, whatever, da, da, da, da. My name, introduction, very brief. My name, I’m from here. My name is Day. I, after someone so many research, I found your university amazing. I would like to study this institution. Please, can you proceed with to forward me with the admission requirements so I can begin my application? They’ll some universities would reply to you in a few hours, some instantly, some might take days or weeks. And when they reply to you, ask them all questions, ask them what documents do I need for the admission? They will tell you. Bring your high school diploma, certified copy of this. They will tell you everything. Believe in them. If the website is legit, most of these websites are legit. If they are legit, they would tell you, they would send you application fees. Some don’t have, some have. And then you go, you send them. Do even, they might even send you a link to apply or they’ll send you a form to fill online. You fill the form. If you don’t know how to fill the form, you ask them what don’t you understand? You send a message, please. I was trying to fill the form, but then I got to this point and I could not continue. Can you help me or can you tell me what to put in this space? Or maybe they’re asking for your zip code. They are asking for your address. And you know, African address are different from the ones in Europe and America. In America or Europe, we have what is it called? Post code or poster code and address this did in Africa, we don’t have stores, we don’t have. So usually you can just put 0,5 times or ask them, what can you put? Sometimes can we put Po Box? You understand? And you apply, you pay your admission fee by yourself, have a bank account of you by yourself, it that carries your name or maybe your sponsor’s name. When you pay your admission, please follow, call, continue. Let’s continue. Part 2. I’ll put the part 2 here and on my page on fifth.