From Motherhood Challenges to Self-Acceptance: A Journey of Resilience and Support

So I’ve just finished the gym. Absolutely. Well, that was a workout, if you get what I’m saying.

I’ve been a bit absent over the weekend for a couple of reasons, and I just wanted to catch up, touch base, that kind of jazz Saturday. My son, I don’t know if you remember a while ago, it’s always Friday. Just so you all wear. It’s always Freddy. If I ring my mom and I’m like one of the kids is sick, she’s like, Freddy, isn’t it?

Cuz it’s always Freddy. Freddy is the one that is always ill, right? Get waking up by Freddie coming in my room going, I’ve been sick. And I’m like, okay, I’m coming. So I get up.

This kid, I’m, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, he turns into the Exorcist when he is sick. This kid, oh my God, I’m now, this was like late Friday night, right? No, Saturday night. And he still, now it’s Tuesday and I sat in the toilet to go to the toilet this morning and I’m looking and I’m like, I’m sure that’s sick on that the door. But I’ve clearly missed, right?

Because this kid gets all the way from his bedroom to the bathroom. No, that’s a lie. He gets all the way from the bedroom to the hallway, pukes in the hallway, carries on past. Pukes on the floor, in the toilet. My toilet is not big. My toilet is not big.

And he pukes right next to the toilet. But it doesn’t just go on the floor. He like projectile vomit. This kid doesn’t normal vomit and it just falls out your mouth. He like forces it with such. No, I’m even spitting if with such enthusiasm, but it like splats onto the floor and then splats up the wall and splats up the toilet and splats up the door behind it.

And like this kid’s format could be used in horror films because honestly, I don’t know how he does it. So that was great. So then the next morning I didn’t feel very well. I spent all Sunday very, like really poorly and really sickly and dizzy and tired. So I didn’t post anything.

And of course, when you don’t post anything when your job is social media, if you’re not posting, then you kind of get out of the algorithm and it hates you. Consistency is key. So I only posted one video on Saturday and then I only posted one video on Sunday. So it currently hates me. So if we could go and share my other videos and love, that would be wonderful. Also got some other bits and bobs going on, which I might talk about at some point when it’s all sorted.

But I’ve been feeling like the world’s worst mother all weekend and really beating myself up. And my mom is the most critical person of me on the planet, right? Probably critical. And even like, and Callum can be telling me, you’ve done everything right, you’ve done all the right things and, you know, the kids wouldn’t be where they are now if you hadn’t have done the things that you’ve done. And you’re beating yourself up, you’re a really good mom, blah, blah.

But when your partner is telling it to you, your husband is telling it to you, you want to believe them. But you also, part of you are thinking they’re saying it just because that’s the right thing to say and they’re being supportive of you and they love you, so they wouldn’t see you as anything else. Where is my mom? My mom is the one that’s like proper critical. So I was like, I’m gonna bring mom.

So I rang my mom bowling down thing. And she even, my mom was like, Jody, you’ve done everything right.

Nothing you could have done any differently would have made any difference in a negative way. Like you are a good mum. And you know what, to hear that from my mom was probably one of the best things ever. Like to hear that my mom thinks I’m a good mom when I think my mom is the most amazing woman on the planet and I think my mom and dad are act absolutely brilliant. So for me, so I thought I was in the wrong way.

So for me to hear from my mum, you’re smashing it as a parent, let’s copy the biggest compliment I’ve probably ever had. I know it was lovely coming from Callum. I know it was amazing. But to hear it from, and my dad, obviously, too, he chirped up and came on the phone as well. But yeah, so sometimes if you’ve, do you know what if you have a friend and you think they’re struggling or if you have a person that you think is struggling at the moment, then just telling them something positive and telling them something that you genuinely believe.

Don’t say it if you don’t believe it. Because it’s, if it’s not sincere, it’s not coming from the right place and it won’t come across the right way. But if you actually believe that about somebody, you should say it because honestly, it will make such a difference.

And I’ve woke up this morning and I feel a lot better. And I feel I wasn’t gonna go to the gym and nearly cancel my gym session. And I was like, no, I’ve got a force myself to do it. I’ve got, I will feel better cuz I always feel better after I’ve been to the gym. And I do.

And now, obviously, I’m airing my dirty lining, waiting for the haters to come at me and tell me I’m not a sh, I’m not a good parent, I’m parent, and that actually I’m a . So that’s fine. I’ll wait for the inundation of that. But actually I feel a lot better today. And yeah, I just start share that with you. Hope everyone is in going to enjoy the sun and I hope everyone’s buying egg on units.