Empowering Palestinian People: Gifts and Initiatives from the West Bank

So here’s the stuff that I brought back from my time in Palestine. And if you didn’t know, for the month of may, I was in all of the West Bank and not all of, but I went to several cities and these are gifts that I received and also got for myself. And I’ll be having an event this Saturday. It’s gonna be near cuppertino, between Cupertino and Valley Fair in South Bay. And I’ll make the announcement as the exact location that morning. So Saturday morning, I’ll make an announcement at 10 a. M. Of where the location is and the events gonna happen from 5 to nine PM or 5 to like eight PM it’s June 24th and on May 23rd, that’s when I had the very similar event in Romala. And that’s when about 30 people came out and I made the most beautiful connections. And here you guys can come see all this stuff. So this is a necklace that I received from someone.

Olive oil. I’m gonna be working with Alard. They are the olive oil company out in Palestine and nebulous. And we’re gonna try and figure out how we can help local farmers or help the overall business of the olive oil within Palestine and reaching the west. This is called ATAK. This is actually won a lot of awards, and this is something that is made in Bethlehem. I have a whole like hour long video of this. I haven’t been able to upload anywhere. But this is really good stuff. Trying to get Wadi in the mainstream narrative or mainstream sort of conversation with this.

And then here’s some coffee. And I think it’s all coffee. Yep. And then here’s some little souvenir type things. This is an explanation of the ring that I have on, given to me by the Doctor DOA. And this is soap. If you’re from. Nevertheless, you know this is the soap. I got it from there. And that soap, I tried to offer to pay. They’re like, no, you can’t pay. You have to take it. It’s gift. You have to take it. And so, yeah, and then I got this from the factory out there. And then this one, I’ve worked with Adele and Hebron to make these shirts. And if you don’t know already, this is doctors within borders. So we’re just starting it out. And these pockets are made so that if you put your phone in here, you can still be recording. And that’s to help record certain situations when you feel like there’s people around. Because over there it’s always ready. It’s good to be ready to record because things happen very quickly. This is written in Arabic and then there’s people that wrote in English as well. And these are things that we can all read. And this is what people at the event wrote out. And they wrote them because over there, it’s hard to explain the feeling of pressure, of risk of doing anything that shows any hint of possible protest or possible like uprising or anything like that if there’s just a tiny hint of something being similar to that, then people are putting themselves at risk. And that is one of the things that is sort of kind of keeping people in the West Bank feeling very stuck. We’re gonna be able to be helping people there that are stuck so that hopefully we can empower them more so that they can come out and figure out ways with us to figure out how we can help people in Gaza.

Because at the end of the day, this is all for the people in Gaza. For me personally, it’s not even about free Palestine. It’s free Palestinian people. Like, let’s free the people first. Let them live a life and be safe with all the basic human rights.

That’s a brutal thing to say, but in all honesty, I think the Palestinian people need to be free first and then Palestine, we can work that out. But first, the people need to be free. And it’s a heavy thing to say, but that’s the kind of stuff that I’ll be talking about this coming Saturday. And so if you’re interested in that, if that resonates with you, then yeah, would love to see you this Saturday. And even if it doesn’t resonate with you, I hope this comes to you in peace and just kind of some hope that there are people trying to do good things. And I’m just trying to connect good people and then just get things off the ground. And so this Saturday we’re gonna be having an event and I’ll be letting you know the location Saturday morning at 10 a. M. So on the 29th at 10 a. M, I’ll announce the location of where we’re gonna be having this. Alright, so hope to see you there. Pizza.