Navigating the Digital Marketing Maze: Tips for Getting Started and Avoiding Overwhelm

but you don’t know where to start
here’s a quick tip to get you moving in the right direction
no overwhelm just simple tips
make sure to do your research and have patience
so there’s multiple ways to get started with digital marketing
there’s multiple courses you can go
there’s multiple niches directions
products you can make there’s literally so much
and so many people are coming to me being overwhelmed
because there’s just so much
and they just need somebody to tell them what to do
so my first step is do some research
look up all the courses that are available
find out what exactly it is you want your business to look like
what products you want to offer
do you want to get a course
if you buy a course what do you want in your course
what do you expect from somebody who will sell you the course
but how do you want them to help you
do your research and also don’t overwhelm yourself
I know when you start something new you can get so excited
you want to do everything at once because you’re like
I need to make money right now
I have all these ideas going on in my head and I need to do it all right now
all at the same time and make my business explode instantly girl
you’re gonna get burnt out real quick doing that
you can’t be doing all the social media platforms
you can’t be doing all the digital products all at the same time
going through multiple courses all at once
like you just can’t do that
you are one person so make sure do a brain dump
take some notes and lay out your priorities and do everything one step at a time
and slowly go from there you have plenty of time to get everything done
just don’t do it all at once because you are going to be burnt out real quick
if you need any other tips or help with digital marketing
follow me and I’ll share more or send me a message and I’m here to help you
because I know this journey is not always easy
but having somebody there and a community makes it a world of a difference